STL 训练 POJ - 1862 Stripies】的更多相关文章

Description Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian - polosatiki, but the scientists had to invent an English name to apply for an international patent). The str…
原题链接: 简单题,贪心+优先队列主要练习一下stl大根堆 写了几种实现方式写成类的形式还是要慢一些... 手打的heap: 1: #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> class Solution{ public: ; int sz; double heap[Max_N]; inline void… 题目大意: 有一种生物能两两合并,合并之前的重量分别为m1和m2,合并之后变为2*sqrt(m1*m2),现在给定n个这样的生物,求合并成一个的最小重量 思路: m1+m2 >=  2*sqrt(m1*m2) 所以每次取大的去合并,能变小. 直接优先队列就可以啦. #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<queue> using namespace std;…
Stripies Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 10263   Accepted: 4971 Description Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian - polosatiki, bu…
Stripies Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 18198   Accepted: 8175 Description Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian - polosatiki, bu…
(- ̄▽ ̄)-* #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { int n; ]; while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { ;i<n;i++) { int m; scanf("%d",&m); w[i]=m*1.0; } s…
每次合并最大的两个,优先级队列维护一下. 输出的时候%.3lf G++会WA,C++能AC,改成%.3f,都能AC. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int n,s; priority_queue<double>Q; int main() { while…
题意:科学家发现一种奇怪的东西,他们有重量weight,如果他们碰在一起,总重变成2*sqrt(m1*m2).要求出最终的重量的最小值. 思路:每次选取质量m最大的两个stripy进行碰撞结合,能够得到最小的质量.所有只要维护一个优先队列就可以了 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <queue> #include <math.h> #include <cstring> #include…
这个OJ一直在做,一些专题题目都很好,从易至难,阶梯上升,很适合像我这样的蒟蒻 =7= 这篇是关于其中一个专题训练的题解思路及代码 所有题面我就不贴了,各位自行去看,链接在上一行 =7= 一.求众数(Map标记+Set) 其实数组维护也可以做,但既然是STL训练,就用STL的东西了 用map标记数据和出现的次数,然后转入结构体存入map中 为什么不直接用set<map<T,T> >的形式 是因为m…
题目链接: PKU: ZJU: Description Our chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian -…