
ALDS1_5_B-MergeSort. Description: Write a program of a Merge Sort algorithm implemented by the following pseudocode. You should also report the number of comparisons in the Merge function. Merge(A, left, mid, right) n1 = mid - left; n2 = right - mid;…
ALDS1_1_D-MaximumProfit. Codes: //#define LOCAL #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define maxSize 200010 int a[maxSize]; int main() { #ifdef LOCAL freopen("E:\\Temp\\input.txt", "r", stdin); freope…
题目传送门 题意:给出一条链,比如x连到y,x一定要在y的左边,且代价是这条链经过的点的权值和,问如何排序使得代价最小 分析:类似拓扑排序,先把入度为0的点入队,把指向该点的所有点按照权值排序,保证这样是代价是最小的,然后把这一块看成一个点继续入队.看图更简单: /************************************************ * Author :Running_Time * Created Time :2015/10/3 星期六 13:02:41 * File…
ALDS1_3_A-Stack. Description: Write a program which reads an expression in the Reverse Polish notation and prints the computational result. An expression in the Reverse Polish notation is calculated using a stack. To evaluate the expression, the prog…
ALDS1_4_A-LinearSearch. Description: You are given a sequence of n integers S and a sequence of different q integers T. Write a program which outputs C, the number of integers in T which are also in the set S. Input: In the first line n is given. In…
ALDS1_7_A-RootedTree. Description: A graph G = (V, E) is a data structure where V is a finite set of vertices and E is a binary relation on V represented by a set of edges. Fig. 1 illustrates an example of a graph (or graphs). A free tree is a connne…
ALDS1_9_A-CompleteBinaryTree. Codes: //#define LOCAL #include <cstdio> int parent(int i) { return i/2; } int left(int i) { return i*2; } int right(int i) { return i*2+1; } int main() { #ifdef LOCAL freopen("E:\\Temp\\input.txt", "r&qu…
ALDS1_7_A-RootedTree. Description: A graph G = (V, E) is a data structure where V is a finite set of vertices and E is a binary relation on V represented by a set of edges. Fig. 1 illustrates an example of a graph (or graphs). A free tree is a connne…
ALDS1_4_A-LinearSearch. Description: You are given a sequence of n integers S and a sequence of different q integers T. Write a program which outputs C, the number of integers in T which are also in the set S. Input: In the first line n is given. In…
一.基本思想 归并排序算法是将两个(或两个以上)有序表合并成一个新的有序表,即把待排序序列分为若干个子序列,使每个子序列有序,再将已有序的子序列合并,得到完全有序的序列.该算法是采用分治法(Divide and Conquer)的一个非常典型的应用.   二.算法过程 归并主要做两件事: 1)“分解”——将序列每次折半划分. 2)“合并”——将划分后的序列段两两合并后排序.   三.算法图解及PHP代码实现 1.递归——自顶向下 递归过程是将待排序数组一分为二,直至排序数组就剩下一个元素为止,然…