[Gauss]HDOJ3976 Electric resistance】的更多相关文章

题意: 一看图就明白了 要求的是1与n端点间的等效电阻 重点在于转化成考虑电流 根据KCL定理:在任一瞬间流出(流入)该节点的所有电流的代数和恒为零 U = IR 可以令1点的电势为零 那么n点的电势就等于它的等效电阻 可以列出方程组  $\sum\limits \frac{U_j-U_i}{R_ij} + I = 0$  $U_0$ = 0; ][]; // 增广矩阵 ]; // 解 ]; // 标记是否为自由未知量 void Gauss(int n, int m) // n个方程 m个未知数…
Electric resistance Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 326    Accepted Submission(s): 156 Problem Description Now give you a circuit who has n nodes (marked from 1 to n) , please te…
题面 Problem Description Now give you a circuit who has n nodes (marked from 1 to n) , please tell abcdxyzk the equivalent resistance of the circuit between node 1 and node n. You may assume that the circuit is connected. The equivalent resistance of t…
UVALive - 3942 Remember the Word A potentiometer, or potmeter for short, is an electronic device with a variable electric resistance. It has two terminals and some kind of control mechanism (often a dial, a wheel or a slide) with which the resistance…
---恢复内容开始--- Resistance Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 1289   Accepted: 418 Description H.L. is preparing a circuit for the next coming physical experiment. His circuit consists of N nodes, numbered 1 to N, which are co…
OPEN CASCADE Gauss Least Square eryar@163.com Abstract. The least square can be used to solve a set of n linear equations of m unknowns(n >= m). The OPEN CASCADE class math_GaussLeastSquare implements the least square solution of the linear equations…
OpenCASCADE Gauss Integration eryar@163.com Abstract. Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical techniques. The numerical computation of an integral is sometimes called quadrature. The most straightforward nu…
Source Address: http://masteringelectronicsdesign.com/the-non-inverting-amplifier-output-resistance/ It is customary to consider the output resistance of the non-inverting amplifier as being zero, but why is that? An Op Amp’s own output resistance is…
1143. Electric Path Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Background At the team competition of the 10th national student informatics Olympic, which is organized at Hanoi National University, there are N teams participating. Each team is assigned…
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace zblGauss1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //double[,] a = { { 8.1, 2.3, -1.5, 6.1 }, { 0.5, -6.23, 0.87,…