本次内容列表: 1.使用线程的经验:设置名称.响应中断.使用ThreadLocal 2.Executor:ExecutorService和Future 3.阻塞队列:put和take.offer和poll.drainTo 4.线程间的协调手段:lock.condition.wait.notify.notifyAll 5.Lock-free:atomic.concurrentMap.putlfAbsent.CopyOnWriteArrayList 6.关于锁使用的经验介绍 7.并发流程控制手段:C…
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/pools.html Most of the executor implementations in java.util.concurrent use thread pools, which consist of worker threads. This kind of thread exists separately from the Runnableand Callab…
Threads and Executors Welcome to the first part of my Java 8 Concurrency tutorial. This guide teaches you concurrent programming in Java 8 with easily understood code examples. It's the first part out of a series of tutorials covering the Java Concur…
Usually, when you develop a simple, concurrent-programming application in Java, you create some Runnable objects and then create the corresponding Thread objects to execute them. If you have to develop a program that runs a lot of concurrent tasks, t…
Why thread pools? Many server applications, such as Web servers, database servers, file servers, or mail servers, are oriented around processing a large number of short tasks that arrive from some remote source. A request arrives at the server in som…
线程池任务执行流程 我们从一个API开始接触Executor是如何处理任务队列的. java.util.concurrent.Executor.execute(Runnable) Executes the given task sometime in the future. The task may execute in a new thread or in an existing pooled thread. If the task cannot be submitted for execut…
简单的需求:在一个工作Thread中更新进度对话框ProgressDialog 遇到的问题: 1,创建需要Context,这个需要传进来 2,Thread中不能创建ProgressDialog,否则需要创建Looper 3,直接在Thread中更新ProgressDialog不行,扔例外,不是创建Thread的View不允许更新 4,Thread外创建Handler,然后现成里Post,更本不会更新. 解决方案: 1,创建ProgressDialog,同时创建Handler,用Callback…
原文 GDI+ Tutorial for Beginners GDI+ is next evolution of GDI. Using GDI objects in earlier versions of Visual Studio was a pain. In Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft has taken care of most of the GDI problems and have made it easy to use. GDI+ resides in…
Demo: package com.qhong; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new Thread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ System.out.println("Before Java8"); } }).start(); new Thread(()->System.out.println…
1.SparkContext.scala sparkcontext 在被new的时候,会执行class中的代码 其中有一个就是创建TaskScheduler 和 SchedulerBackend,而SchedulerBackend 就是driver 和 外界通信的,我理解SchedulerBackend 就是粗粒度的Driver. 创建TaskScheduler的同时,对TaskScheduler初始化 scheduler.initialize(backend)  TaskScheduler的M…