原文:http://mobile.51cto.com/iphone-273895.htm iPad与iPhone 开发区别详解是本文要介绍的内容,先来看看他们的区别. 1.首先我们先从官方发布的SDK来做些比较 iOS 3.2 API Diffs Document that lists new and changed http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/General/iPhone32APIDiffs/index.html 通…
1. MVC and Introduction to Objective-C (September 27, 2011) - HD 2. My First iOS App (September 29, 2011) - HDDebugger (September 30, 2011) - HD 3. Objective-C (October 4, 2011) - HD 4. Views (October 6, 2011) - HD 5. Protocols and Gestures (October…