本书用到的几个表的建表sql语句如下: --销售产品供应商 CREATE TABLE Vendors ( vend_id varchar(20) not null, vend_name varchar(50) not null, vend_address varchar(100), vend_city varchar(100), vend_state varchar(100), vend_zip varchar(20), vend_country varchar(100), PRIMARY KE…
The genesis of the computer revolution was a machine. The genesis of out programming languages thus tends to look like that machine. 计算机革命起源于机器,因此编程语言的产生也始于对机器的模仿 Computers are mind amplification tools and a different kind of expressive medium. 计算机是大…
软件:DrJava 参考书:算法(第四版) 章节:2.4优先队列(以下截图是算法配套视频所讲内容截图) 1:API 与初级实现 2:堆得定义 3:堆排序 4:事件驱动的仿真 优先队列最重要的操作就是删除最大元素和插入元素,我们会把精力集中在他们身上.删除最大元素的方法名为delMax(),插入元素的方法名为insert().…
软件:DrJava 参考书:算法(第四版) 章节:2.3快速排序(以下截图是算法配套视频所讲内容截图) 1:快速排序 2:…
还有一个<Sqlserver2008技术内幕>的笔记,也很好!~ http://www.cnblogs.com/liupeng61624/p/4354983.html 温习一遍简单的sql语法,把自己掌握还不够的地方,做了些笔记.... 1 去重复关键词,distinct select distinct sname from student; 2 限制结果top的用法 select top 5 id from student 获取前五条记录 可以利用top来写sql分页语句 3 排序order…
温习一遍简单的sql语法,把自己掌握还不够的地方,做了些笔记.... 1 去重复关键词,distinct select distinct sname from student; 2 限制结果top的用法 select top 5 id from student 获取前五条记录 可以利用top来写sql分页语句 3 排序order by select * from student order by id,name desc; 默认是升序 asc,若是降序要在列名后标明desc order by语句…
希尔排序思想:使数组中随意间隔为h的元素都是有序的. 希尔排序是插入排序的优化.先对数组局部进行排序,最后再使用插入排序将部分有序的数组排序. 代码例如以下: /** * * @author seabear * */ public class ShellSort { public static void sort(Comparable[] a) { int N = a.length; int h = 1; while(h < N/2) { h = 4 * h + 1; } while(h >=…
下压(LIFO)栈:可以动态调整数组大小的实现 import java.util.Iterator; public class ResizingArrayStack<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { private int N = 0; private Item[] a = (Item[]) new Object[1]; public boolean isEmpty() { return N == 0; } public int size() {…
Runtime type information (RTTI) allow you to discover and use type information while a program is running This take two forms: 1. "traditional" RTTI, which assumes that you have all the types available at compile time, 2. the reflection mechanis…
Immutable Strings Objects of the String class are immutable. If you examine the JDK documentation for the String class, you’ll see that every method in the class that appears to modify a String actually creates and returns a brand new String object c…