When you plug in your iPhone, it will ask you to trust the computer. If you already trust and unlocked but still said your device was locked (bug). Just unplug and plug again then it will work 拔掉数据线  重新连接 就好了.…
手机升级到iOS 10之后,运行真机出现了Development cannot be enabled while your device is locked. 这里是你对这台电脑设置了不信任: 解决方法是:打开手机设置->通用->还原->还原位置与隐私: 然后会有弹窗提示你是否信任此电脑,点击信任,重启Xcode之后,运行项目到手机上…
ios    真机运行程序就弹出这个"(null)" is of a model that is not supported by this version of Xcode. Please use a different device. 解决方案是:重启Xcode…
#import <notify.h> -(void)checkDeviceLockScreenState { int notify_token; notify_register_dispatch("com.apple.springboard.lockstate", &notify_token,dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(int token) { uint64_t state = UINT64_MAX; notify_get_state(…
以下图片指出的 TARGETS→General 面板的信息. 下面我们讲讲根据 APP 需求配置我们的Xcode: 1.设置 Device Orientation,指定 APP 支持设备的方向 ,我们可以选择两种设置方式: 方式一:如上图,可以直接勾选 APP 支持的旋转方向: 方式二:如下图,可以在 info.plist 中添加或删除自己需要的属性: 2.设置 AppIcon,苹果推荐我们在文件夹 Assets.xcassets 中添加 APP 图标(具体尺寸请自行查看苹果官方文档),面板右侧…
So far, you've run the app on the Simulator. That's nice and all but probably notwhy you're learning iOS development. You want to make apps that run on realiPhones! There's hardly a thing more exciting than running an app that youmadeon your own phon…
1.手机升级到iOS 10之后,运行真机出现了Development cannot be enabled while your device is locked. 原因分析: 这里是你对这台电脑设置了不信任: 解决方法是:打开手机设置->通用->还原->还原位置与隐私:还原 然后会有弹窗提示你是否信任此电脑,点击信任,重启Xcode之后,运行项目到手机上 2.Xcode 出现 Could not locate device support files,This iPhone 6s is…
1.vmware安装黑苹果,然后在appStore安装XCode http://blog.csdn.net/forgot2015/article/details/51104329 2.真机调试证书等申请 http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/ff411625b8141312e48237a7.html?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c 3.vmware识别真机,关机然后设置vm的usb识别为usb2.0,重新打开mac虚拟机 即可识别到iphone,此时就能连接真机调…
Send Push Notifications to iOS Devices using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 OCT 6, 2016 Push notifications are a great way to ensure your users re-engage with your app every once in a while, but implementing them on iOS can be challenging, especially with all o…
问题一: 升级xcode 7最低的系统配置要求 升级了ios9 后使用 xcode 6.1 已经不能用了,必须升级 xcode 7才行,原先的系统是OSX 10.10.1 版本.而xcode 7.0 系统最低的系统要求是os x 10.10.4 或者以上(官方表明).这样子不用等到新的 mac 新系统 到来也可以提前用了. 问题二 :微信库64位的问题 xcode 7 的动态库后缀名改了,这下子旧的项目也要重新替换. 这里有一篇文章是关于ios 微信的用法和配置 可以参考一下 不过 64 位的问…
原文: http://blog.csdn.net/hero82748274/article/details/48629461 问题一: 升级xcode 7最低的系统配置要求 升级了ios9 后使用 xcode 6.1 已经不能用了,必须升级 xcode 7才行,原先的系统是OSX 10.10.1 版本.而xcode 7.0 系统最低的系统要求是os x 10.10.4 或者以上(官方表明).这样子不用等到新的 mac 新系统 到来也可以提前用了. 问题二 :微信库64位的问题 xcode 7 的…
1.An unknown error occurred. 如果仅仅提示“An unknown error occurred.” 而没有别的提示,很有可能是设备内存已满,没有足够的空间来安装这个应用. 2.BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection interrupted 我在图片识别,生成CIImage 时报出此东警告. 通过设置 CIContext 的options 可以消除此警告---不过,过滤器的效率好像会变慢一点 NSData…
https://github.com/path/FastImageCache Fast Image Cache is an efficient, persistent, and—above all—fast way to store and retrieve images in your iOS application. Part of any good iOS application's user experience is fast, smooth scrolling, and Fast I…
1. iphone is busy: processing symbol files 引起原因第一次运行真机, 会处理一些文件, 上面会有一个进度条给予显示 等100%之后再编译 2. xcode cannot launch apps on iphone because the device is locked引起原因你的手机屏幕锁没有解开 3. An unknown error occurred.一个未知的错误发生, 解决办法:把/Users/taojian/Library/Developer…
原文:http://blog.csdn.net/phunxm/article/details/42685597 引言 关于开发证书配置(Certificates & Identifiers & Provisioning Profiles),相信做iOS开发的同学没少被折腾.对于一个iOS开发小白.半吊子(比如像我自己)抑或老兵,或多或少会有或曾有过以下不详.疑问.疑惑甚至困惑: 什么是App ID?Explicit/Wildcard App ID有何区别?什么是App Group ID?…
Code signing your app lets users trust that your app has been created by a source known to Apple and that it hasn’t been tampered with. All apps must be code signed and provisioned to launch on a device, to use certain services, to be distributed for…
Glossary term terminology Certificate authority A norganization that authorizes a certificate. Certificate signing request(CSR) A file that contains personal information used to generate a signing certificate. This file also contains the public key t…
引言 关于开发证书配置(Certificates & Identifiers & Provisioning Profiles),相信做 iOS 开发的同学没少被折腾.对于一个 iOS 开发小白.半吊子(比如像我自己)抑或老兵,或多或少会有或曾有过以下不详.疑问.疑惑甚至困惑: 什么是App ID?Explicit/Wildcard App ID有何区别?什么是App Group ID? 什么是证书(Certificate)?如何申请?有啥用? 什么是Key Pair(公钥/私钥)?有啥用?…
一.App ID(bundle identifier) App ID即Product ID,用于标识一个或者一组App. App ID应该和Xcode中的Bundle Identifier是一致(Explicit : 唯一)的或匹配(Wildcard : 通配)的. App ID字符串通常以反域名(reverse-domain-name)格式的Company Identifier(Company ID)作为前缀(Prefix/Seed),一般不超过255个ASCII字符. App ID全名会被追…
1.在创建工程时未添加CoreData,后期想要使用CoreData则要在工程Appdelegate.h文件中添加CoreData库和CoreData中的通道类(用来管理类实例和CoreData之间的所有操作)和保存到CoreData文件的方法. 2.添加完这些后去创建.xcdatamodeld文件 3.填写创建文件的名称(建议与工程名字一致后面添加CoreData) 4.文件创建完成后就可以像以前一样去创建对应实体文件和添加实体的属性了. 5.添加完实体后生成对应的实体类文件 6.创建完对应的…
关于开发证书配置(Certificates & Identifiers & Provisioning Profiles),相信做iOS开发的同学没少被折腾.对于一个iOS开发小白.半吊子(比如像我自己)抑或老兵,或多或少会有或曾有过以下不详.疑问.疑惑甚至困惑: 什么是App ID?Explicit/Wildcard App ID有何区别?什么是App Group ID? 什么是证书(Certificate)?如何申请?有啥用? 什么是Key Pair(公钥/私钥)?有啥用?与证书有何关联…
Device Activity Start Activity Start an Android activity by providing package name and activity name Java:driver.startActivity(new Activity("com.example", "ActivityName")); Python:self.driver.start_activity("com.example", &qu…
一.CoreData介绍 CoreData主要分为两部分: 上层是模型层,模型层有NSManagedObjectContext上下文管理着, 底层则是由SQLite实现的持久化部分,通过NSPersistentStore和底层SQL数据库交互,完成存储过程. 这两部分又是由NSPersistentStoreCoordinator持久化协调器关联起来的,上层的存储的数据交由持久化协调器,由协调器指定相关的NSPersistentStore进行相关的数据库存取操作. 使用CoreData要做的第一件…
http://www.raywenderlich.com/23704/demystifying-ios-application-crash-logs This is a blog post by Soheil Moayedi Azarpour, an independent iOS developer. You can also find him on Google+. Have you ever had the following experience as an app developer?…
apps can use local or push notifications to let people know when interesting things happen, such as:iOS Technology Usage GuidelinesNotification Center2013-05-01 | © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.95● A message has arrived● An event is about to o…
//appium java-client-api 介绍 原文地址:http://appium.github.io/java-client/index-all.html#_S_ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A AccessibilityId(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy About Android accessibility ht…
Retrieving Product Information In the first part of the purchase process, your app retrieves information about its products from the App Store, presents its store UI to the user, and then lets the user select a product, as shown in Figure 2-1. 首先,购买产…
File System Basics The file systems in OS X and iOS handle the persistent storage of data files, apps, and the files associated with the operating system itself. Therefore, the file system is one of the fundamental resources used by all processes. OS…
代码位于frameworks/base/core/java/anroid/Content/Intent.java Intent是对要进行操作的一种抽象描述.用action抽象操作,用data(android.net.Uri)抽象操作参数. 除此之外,category用来描述action所属的类别(添加action对应的component的额外属性)来指导系相应的component如何被匹配与被处理,type用来指定data的MIME类型:component指定用来执行action的组件,如果指定…
Android权限大全 1.android.permission.WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY允许应用程序向用户词典中写入新词 2.android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS写入Google在线同步设置 3.android.permission.WRITE_SOCIAL_STREAM读取用户的社交信息流 4.android.permission.WRITE_SMS允许程序写短信 5.android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS…