linux下安装php报错configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/include/mysql. 2013-03-04 15:34wdjhz | 分类:服务器软件 | 浏览5318次 configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/include/mysql.Note that the MySQL client library is not bun…
环境:php官方docker镜像 php:7.2-apache 安装IMAP扩展模块执行命令:docker-php-ext-install imap 报错信息:configure: error: utf8_mime2text() has new signature, but U8T_CANONICAL is missing. This should not happen. Check config.log for additional information. 查了一下说缺少libc模块,修改命…
CentOS 7.3 下 安装 Nginx 执行配置命令 ./configure 时提示以下错误: checking for OS + Linux 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 x86_64 checking for C compiler ... not found 解决: 执行以下命令: yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake make…
报错configure:error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH.. 查看日志: 出错原因:新安装的linux系统,没有gcc库 解决方案:使用yum install gcc,然后发现另外个坑,没有gcc 接着解决没有gcc:…
源码安装nginx报错,找不到gcc,但是实际上gcc是存在的,如下: # ./configure checking for OS + Linux -.el7.x86_64 x86_64 checking for C compiler ... not found ./configure: error: C compiler cc is not found # 尝试找寻gcc # whereis gcc .gz # 尝试指定cc # ./configure --with-cc=/usr/bin/g…