Learn ZYNQ (8)】的更多相关文章

1.配置环境说明 spark:5台zybo板,,其它4台为slave hadoop:外接SanDisk ) 2.单节点hadoop测试: 如果出现内存不足情况如下: 查看当前虚拟内存容量: free -m cd /mnt mkdir swap cd swap/ 创建一个swap文件 dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=1000000 把生成的文件转换成swap文件 mkswap swapfi…
创建zybo cluster的spark集群(计算层面): 1.每个节点都是同样的filesystem,mac地址冲突,故: vi ./etc/profile export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.7.0_55 export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar export PA…
在zed的PS端运行spark(已成功): (1)设置uboot为sd卡启动rootfs: "sdboot=if mmcinfo; then " \                         "run uenvboot; " \                         "echo Copying Linux from SD to RAM... && " \                         "…
移植android3.3到ZedBoard follow doc:Android移植Guide1.3.pdf follow website: http://elinux.org/Zedboard_Android (1)在Ubuntu12.04LTS下安装编译所需环境: sudo apt-get install git gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \ zip curl libc6-dev libncurses5-dev:i386 x11proto-…
矩阵相乘的例子 参考博客:http://blog.csdn.net/kkk584520/article/details/18812321 MatrixMultiply.c typedef int data_type; #define N 5 void MatrixMultiply(data_type AA[N*N],data_type bb[N],data_type cc[N]) { int i,j; for(i = 0;i<N;i++) { data_type sum = 0; for(j =…
GPIO LED AND KEY: part1:gpio leds and gpio btns combination. (include 1~4) part2:use gpio btns interrupt to trigger led on and off. (include 5, 6, 7) part3:some useful tips. (include 8) my vivado & sdk projects ( ready to download): 1.custom_ip ( onl…
ZYNQ芯片是近两年比较流行的片子,双ARM+FPGA,在使用分立FPGA和CPU的场合很容易替代原来的分立器件. ZYNQ可以外接QSPI FLASH作为程序的存储介质. QSPI和SPI flash是串行接口的NOR FLASH,在设计支持,容量都比较小,所以协议中只留了3Bytes寻址,也就是最大16MB空间.但是随着工艺和技术的提升,现在32MB.64MB,甚至128MB和更大容量的SPI/QSPI flash都出现了. 以32MB为例,当需要访问大于16MB的地址是,新的器件提供了两种…
Atitit learn by need 需要的时候学与预先学习知识图谱路线图 1. 体系化是什么 架构 知识图谱路线图思维导图的重要性11.1. 体系就是架构21.2. 只见树木不见森林21.3. 知识图谱路线图的优点优点需要的21.4. 思维导图 大纲性 集成化22. 文字化>>表格化>>脚本化,可视化23. 如何体系化23.1. 分类,单根继承23.2. 一点带线,以线带面23.3. 纵向,横向抽象拓展23.4. 拓展和应用23.5. 以点带面,全方位网状  拓展33.6.…
Python 爬取所有51VOA网站的Learn a words文本及mp3音频 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Python 爬取所有51VOA网站的Learn a words文本及mp3音频 import os import sys import time import urllib as req from threading import Thread import urllib2 import urllib from thre…
1,好早买了块FPGA板,zynq 7010 .终极目标是完成相机图像采集及处理.一个Window C++程序猿才开始学FPGA,一个小菜鸟,准备转行. 2,关于这块板,卖家的官方资料学起来没劲.推荐上GOOGLE ,YouTube 搜“Zynq Training”等等.感觉质量好高.,英语很简单,大部分能听懂. 3,在google问题时意识到可以看一下zedboard的资料.下载zedboardd的官方资料,发现有个优点是能够把各个名词解释一遍.可以搜“zedboard_CTT_v2013_2…
文章来源:http://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/   Learn Vim Progressively   TL;DR: You want to teach yourself vim (the best text editor known to human kind) in the fastest way possible. This is my way of doing it. You start by l…
---恢复内容开始--- 本次试验学习和掌握zynq的emio的使用,是通过PS控制PL端的GPIO. 1.创建硬件工程,主要就是添加EMIO就可以.当然了创建工程的时候还要注意DDR的设置,根据自己板子的DDR设置相应的参数.依次设置如下参数: 这里设置了3个EMIO口,最多可以设置成64个,具体看应用而定. 设置DDR3参数 2.既然是PL端,那就必需有管脚约束文件了,添加一个管脚约束文件.在管脚约束文件xdc中添加PL的管脚映射. 到这里就有个问题来了,什么知道管脚映射到哪里呢.不着急,打…
使用命令grep -rl 'zynq' /work/xilinx/u-boot-xlnx-master (有引号)-r 选项表示递归(recursive)遍历所有子目录-l 选项表示只列出文件名 /work/xilinx/u-boot-xlnx-master是搜索位置…
使用iperf对zynq进行单socket tcp传输速率测试: 无网络损伤时,单向网络带宽约为600Mbps,双向网络带宽相加约400Mbps: 50ms延时,1ms抖动,无丢包时,单向网络带宽约为155Mbps,双向网络带宽相加约40Mbps: 和内核版本无关,经技术支持确定为PS GEM DMA的双向传输存在缺陷.…
时间:2016.06.13 目的:阶段性总结学习的策略 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 经过一段时间的接触,开始对Zynq开发有了一定的了解与认识.下面是总结常用的 文档,并配上适量的说明,权当备忘! --------- 这些仅是自己目前觉得比较重要的. --------------- Vivado工具系列 --------------- 1.首当其冲,必须是 UG949:Ult…
1.you can't avoid office politics 2.you'll never have a job which you "can't quit" - if you are being mistreated,exploited or under-appreciated...LEAVE.You'll eventuslly find another job(although it may not be a better one) 3.you learn by listen…
没做出来 第四题 (List)写一个函数reverseList,该函数能够接受一个List,然后把该List 倒序排列. 例如: List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(“Hello”); list.add(“World”); list.add(“Learn”); //此时list 为Hello World Learn reverseList(list); //调用reverseList 方法之后,list 为Learn World Hello package…
Learn RxJava http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators.html https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/The-RxJava-Android-Module https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava How the New York Times is building its Android app with Groovy/RxJava by Mohit Pandey…
It has been a long time that I haven't dealt with my blog. On one hand I was preparing the exams.On the other hand I just learn more things and take some documents at local PC. As a result, I begin to learn Lisp as planned. 2.10 Variables let ; defin…
I have planed to learn Python for many times. I have started to learn Python for many times . However, I can't use it fluently up to now. Now I know I was wrong. I just tried to remember the syntax and took notes on paper with little practice. Now I…
十分钟入门less(翻译自:Learn lESS in 10 Minutes(or less)) 注:本文为翻译文章,因翻译水平有限,难免有缺漏不足之处,可查看原文. 我们知道写css代码是非常枯燥的,尤其是写重复颜色.样式的代码,这需要我们付出很多努力来保持css代码可维护,但是它本不应该是这样的. 很幸运地是,web开发社区已经解决了这个问题,我们在现在已经有了类似与less.sass和stylus这样的预处理器.它们有很多优于一般的css之处,如下所示: 变量---以至于我们可以在样式表中…
1.Practice 2.memory every week for from working memory to long tern memory 3.sleep 4.running promote general new neuron and get some new idea and take notes or write it down avoid forget 5.share and discuss with some people or expert 6.read a lot of…
最近在看:笨办法学 Python (Learn Python The Hard Way) Contents: 译者前言 前言:笨办法更简单 习题 0: 准备工作 习题 1: 第一个程序 习题 2: 注释和井号 习题 3: 数字和数学计算 习题 4: 变量(variable)和命名 习题 5: 更多的变量和打印 习题 6: 字符串(string)和文本 习题 7: 更多打印 习题 8: 打印,打印 习题 9: 打印,打印,打印 习题 10: 那是什么? 习题 11: 提问 习题 12: 提示别人…
Entrepreneur and author ShaoLan Hsueh thinks that English-speakers can start learning to read Chinese in less than 10 minutes. The language, she says, has more than 20,000 written characters, which most students in China learn by rote memorization. M…
黑客与画家:硅谷创业之父paul graham关于回答‘How can I learn to program’ How can I learn to program? Find a friend who knows how to program. Get them to set you up with a system where you can edit and run programs. Use whatever language they suggest for a beginner (p…
Introduction A Unit of Work is a combination of several actions that will be grouped into a transaction. This means that all actions inside a unit of work are committed or rolled back. The advantage of using a unit of work is that multiple save actio…
Introduction Creating a generic repository pattern in an mvc application with entity framework is the first topic that we are about to cover in our journey of learning my mvc template. this article will focus on repository pattern and shows how to de…
Introduction After having gone through many project: Project A Project B Project C I start to write a conclusion it explained how to use mvc template. My effort in this articles series will be to cover some best practice of mvc. We will be gradually…
<学得少却考得好Learn More Study Less>这本书最早是从褪墨网站上看到的,crowncheng翻译了全文.这本书介绍了不少学习方法,非常适合在校的学生,原文的作者Scott Young在高中和大学的学习成绩很好,但花在学习上的时间并不太多. 全书一上来引入了Holistic(整体性学习方法)这个单词,用来与死记硬背(Rote Memorization)学习法相区别,书的第四部分为小结,所以主要内容实际上是三个部分: 一.策略Strategy 二.技术Technology 三.…
When a golf player is first learning to play golf, they usually spend most of their time developing a basic swing. Only gradually do they develop other shots, learning to chip, draw and fade the ball, building on and modifying their basic swing. In a…