JSON 和JSONB的区别(What's difference between JSON and JSONB data type in PosgresSQL?) When should be used specific one? What's benefits or disadvantages with respect to other? JSON比JSONB的一个小的潜在好处是,它保留了数据的缩进.所以,如果你非常关心你的JSON的格式,或者有一些需要它在一个 特定的结构,JSON可能是有用…
This article is dedicated to discussing the latest releases of the NHibernate and Entity Framework. NHibernate is (was?) a number one ORM Framework for ages. Its feature list is growing and some things such as code-based mappings and automatic migrat…
Postgresql Postgresql支持Code First的方式自动生成表,不过默认的模式是dbo而不是public,而且还可以自动生成自增主键. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections> <!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, vis…
Transaction support: Entity Framework by default wraps Insert, Update or Delete operation in a transaction, whenever you execute SaveChanges(). EF starts a new transaction for each operation and completes the transaction when the operation finishes.…
Spatial Data type support in Entity Framework 5.0 MS SQL Server 2008 introduced two spatial data types, geography and geometry. Geography represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and geometry represent data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate…