Theano Inplace】的更多相关文章

Theano Inplace inplace Computation computation that destroy their inputs as a side-effect. Example if you iterate over matrix and double every elements, this is an inplace operations. because when you are done, the original inputs has been overwritte…
来自: Printing/Drawing Theano graphs Theano提供的函数theano.printing.pprint() 和 theano.printing.debugprint() 可以用来在编译前和后打印一个graph到终端上. pprint() 该函数更紧凑而且更偏向于数学形式, debugprint() 更为的详细. Theano…
来自: Profiling Theano function note:该方法是用来代替旧的ProfileMode.不要再使用ProfileMode了. 在检查错误的同时,另一个重要的任务就是剖析你的代码.你会用到theano 的flags 或者参数,然后将它们传递给 theano.function. 最简单的剖析theano函数的方式就是使用下面介绍的theano fla…
来自: Extending Theano 该教程覆盖了如何使用新颖的ops来扩展theano.它主要关注哪些能够提供一个python实现的ops.而Extending Theano with a C Op 是基于c的op实现.该教程的第一部分介绍了theano的graphs,因为提供一个新颖的theano op需要对theano graphs有个基本的理解.…
1. Theano用来干嘛的? Theano was written at the LISA lab to support rapid development of efficient machine learning algorithms. Theano is named after the Greek mathematician, who may have been Pythagoras’ wife. Theano is released under a BSD license (link)…
 Summary on deep learning framework --- Theano && Lasagne 2017-03-23 1. theano.function output = input ** 2  f = theano.function([input], output) print(f(3)) >> the output is: 3^2 = 9. 2.  verbose = 1 or 0, does it have any difference ?   so…
Theano之使用GPU 英文版本:          using the GPU 想要看GPU的介绍性的讨论和对密集并行计算的使用,查阅:GPGPU. theano设计的一个目标就是在一个抽象层面上进行特定的计算,所以内部的函数编译器需要灵活的处理这些计算,其中一个灵活性体现在可以在显卡上进行计算. 当前有两种方式来使用gpu,一种只支持NVIDIA cards (CU…
Transposed Convolution, 也叫Fractional Strided Convolution, 或者流行的(错误)称谓: 反卷积, Deconvolution. 定义请参考tutorial. 此处也是对tutorial中的theano实现做一个总结, 得到一段可用的Deconvolution代码. 反卷积(都这么叫了, 那我也不纠结这个了. )的实现方式之一是前向卷积操作的反向梯度传播过程, 所以在Theano中可使用theano.tensor.nnet.abstract_c…
Theano printing To visualize the internal relation graph of theano variables. Installing conda install pydot graphviz add graphviz path D:\Anaconda\Library\bin\graphvizto system PATH[windows version] or: download installer from http://www.graphviz.or…
Graph Structure Graph Definition theano's symbolic mathematical computation, which is composed of: Apply node: the application of an operator to some variable. Variable node: symbolic varibles. Op node: mathematical operation like: +,-,*,\,sqrt,sum,t…