描述 Background Hello Earthling. We're from the planet Regetni and need your help to make lots of money. Maybe we'll even give you some of it. You see, the problem is that in our world, everything is about integers. It's even enforced by law. No other…
Problem ATriangle Fun Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output In the picture below you can see a triangle ABC. Point D, E and F divides the sides BC, CA and AB into ratio 1:2 respectively. That is CD=2BD, AE=2CE and BF=2AF. A, D; B, E and C, F…
Herding Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1125    Accepted Submission(s): 325 Problem Description Little John is herding his father's cattles. As a lazy boy, he cannot tolerate cha…
Maximal Area Quadrilateral CodeForces - 340B 三点坐标求三角形面积(可以带正负,表示向量/点的不同相对位置): http://www.cnblogs.com/xiexinxinlove/p/3708147.html https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/a65957f49596ab24e67f9be7.html 枚举对角线,求出在对角线两侧取任意点能得到的三角形的面积,然后对于每条对角线,最大值就是两侧面积最大值之和. #…
Herding Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 702    Accepted Submission(s): 174 Problem Description Little John is herding his father's cattles. As a lazy boy, he cannot tolerate cha…
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 32071 Accepted Submission(s): 16490 Problem Description " 改革春风吹满地, 不会AC没关系; 实在不行回老家, 还有一亩三分地. 谢谢!(乐队奏乐)" 话说部分学生心态极好,每天就知道游戏,这次考试如此简单的题目,也是云里雾里,…
代码如下: func GetTriangleAreaByVector(x vector.Vector3,y vector.Vector3,z vector.Vector3) float64 { //根据三角形三个点坐标求面积 //先算三角形三个边的长度 a := vector.GetDistance(x,y) b := vector.GetDistance(x,z) c := vector.GetDistance(y,z) s := (a + b + c) / 2 area := math.Sq…
一. 数学基础: 已知三角形的三边,计算三角形面积,需要用到海伦公式: 即p=(a+b+c)/2 二. 算法: 输入三个边长,套用海伦公式计算面积,并输出. 可以先判断是否可以构成三角形,即任意两边之和大于第三边,可以构成三角形情况下再计算,可以增加严谨性. 三. 代码: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() {  printf("请依次输入三…
/*时间: 2012-10-08作者: 烟大程序要求: 1.封装一类三角形对象Triangle,该类对象具有三条边的属性, 具有初始化三角形的功能.修改边长的功能.判断三条边能否构成三角形的功能. 求周长的功能.求面积的功能.程序分析: 1.程序要进行封装: 2.具体数据要进行私有化,保证安全: 3.面积要用到公式,需要记忆(蛮简单的公式)*/ class Day1008_Trangle{ private double x,y,z;//私有化数据保证安全 Day1008_Trangle()//构…
题目大意: 给定三角形的三点坐标 判断在其内部包含多少个整点 题解及讲解 皮克定理 多边形面积s = 其内部整点in + 其边上整点li / 2 - 1 那么求内部整点就是 in = s + 1 - li / 2 网格中两格点(整点)间经过的格点(整点)数 即边上整点 li +1=两点横向和纵向距离的最大公约数 //求线段ab之间的整点数 int lineSeg(P a,P b) { int dx=abs(a.x-b.x), dy=abs(a.y-b.y); && dy==) ; ; }…