@ControllerAdvice和@RestControllerAdvice都可以指向控制器的一个子集: // 指向所有带有注解@RestController的控制器 @ControllerAdvice(annotations = RestController.class) public class AnnotationAdvice {} // 指向所有指定包中的控制器 @ControllerAdvice("org.example.controllers") public class…
1.介绍Spring Web MVC 框架 Spring Web MVC 框架是围绕DispatcherServlet设计的,所谓DispatcherServlet就是将请求分发到handler,需要有配置好的handler映射.视图解析.本地化.时区.theme解决方案.还有上传文件的支持.默认的handler是基于@Controller和@RequestMapping注解.自Spring 3.0 起,@Controller注解还能用于RESTful,需要配合@PathVariable以及其他…
原 精通Spring Boot—— 第二十一篇:Spring Social OAuth 登录简介 1.什么是OAuth OAuth官网介绍是这样的: An open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications. 翻译过来就是: 允许... 精通Spring Boot—— 第二十篇:Spring Security…
Supported method argument types The following are the supported method arguments: Request or response objects (Servlet API). Choose any specific request or response type, for example ServletRequest or HttpServletRequest. Session object (Servlet API):…
http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/ Table of Contents I. Overview of Spring Framework 1. Getting Started with Spring 2. Introduction to the Spring Framework 2.1. Dependency Injection and Inversion of Contr…
后端接口,经常会用token获取对应的账号信息.于是考虑将这个步骤封装起来. 之前项目使用ThreadLocal去做这样的事情,但昨天看SpringBoot的官方文档,发现借助框架的功能也可以做这样的事情,而且更方便,直观 @ModelAttribute 介绍 FOR EXAMPLE: @RestController public class TestController { @ModelAttribute public String add(){ return "哈哈"; } @Re…