
access_by_lua access阶段.事例: location / { deny; allow ; allow ; deny all; access_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/mysql", { ... }) ... '; # proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/... } 也可以这样实施: location / { access_by_lua ' local res = ngx.…
Concurrent Random Numbers In JDK 7, java.util.concurrent includes a convenience class, ThreadLocalRandom, for applications that expect to use random numbers from multiple threads or ForkJoinTasks. For concurrent access, using ThreadLocalRandom instea…
现在我已经将翻译的内容放到: Nginx API for Lua Introduction 各种各样的*_by_lua和*_by_lua_file配置文件服务在都在nginx.conf文件内.这些LUA API只能运行在这些配置文件里面. 这个API有两个标准的包NGX和NDK.这个包在ngx_lua内默认的包. 这个软件包可以这样的引入外部的文件 local say = ngx.say module(...) funct…
这里主要是翻译jmeter官方文档第4章:创建一个基本的测试计划来测试一个网站.你将创建5个用户来发送请求给两个页面,同时,你将告诉用户去执行两次测试.所以,请求的总和是5(users)*2(requests)*2(repeat 2 times)=20(个HTTP 请求).在构造测试计划时,你将用到以下元件:Thread Group,HTTP Request,HTTP Request Default ,Graph Results. 1.添加用户 每个测试计划开始时需要做的第一步是添加线程组元件.…
现在我已经将翻译的内容放到: Nginx API for Lua Introduction 各种各样的*_by_lua和*_by_lua_file配置文件服务在都在nginx.conf文件内.这些LUA API只能运行在这些配置文件里面. 这个API有两个标准的包NGX和NDK.这个包在ngx_lua内默认的包. 这个软件包可以这样的引入外部的文件 local say = ngx.say module(...) funct…
最近经常使用春哥和小哲老师写的NGINX-LUA,非常苦于没有中文文档,特别是向我这种英文水平实在有限的同学,所以将遇到的模块记录下来,供以后参考!原文: lua_code_cache 一般放在nginx.conf里面,设置lua程序是否缓存,默认是开启的,开发模式开启即可:lua_code_cache off.开启后,重启nginx会有提示:nginx: [warn] lua_code_cache is off; this…
Concurrent Collections The java.util.concurrent package includes a number of additions to the Java Collections Framework. These are most easily categorized by the collection interfaces provided: BlockingQueue defines a first-in-first-out data structu…
Fork/Join This section was updated to reflect features and conventions of the upcoming Java SE 8 release. You can download the current JDK 8 snapshot from The fork/join framework is an implementation of the ExecutorService interface that he…
Thread Pools Most of the executor implementations in java.util.concurrent use thread pools, which consist of worker threads. This kind of thread exists separately from the Runnable and Callable tasks it executes and is often used to execute multiple…
Processes and Threads In concurrent programming, there are two basic units of execution: processes and threads. In the Java programming language, concurrent programming is mostly concerned with threads. However, processes are also important. A comput…