Improve your code with lint checks】的更多相关文章

官方文档 使用 Lint 改进您的代码 [Improve your code with lint checks] 除了[In addition to]测试 Android 应用以确保其符合功能要求[meets its functional requirements]外,确保代码不存在结构问题[structural problems]也是非常重要的.结构混乱[poorly structured]的代码会影响 Android 应用的可靠性和效率[impact the reliability and…
Android Lint Checks Here are the current list of checks that lint performs as of Android Studio 2.3 dev:     Correctness ===========   AdapterViewChildren ------------------- Summary: AdapterViews cannot have children in XML   Priority: 10 / 10 Sever…
Improving Your Code with lint 1.See Also lint (reference) Using Android Annotations In addition to testing that your Android application meets its functional requirements, it's important to ensure that your code has no structural problems. Poorly str…
2015-05-26   628   Code-Tuning Techniques    ——Even though a particular technique generally represents poor coding practice, specific circumstances might make it the best one to use.    ——One key to writing effective loops is to minimize the work don… In this article, I have summarised some of the top static code analysis tools. Can we ever imagine sitting back and manually reading each line of codes to find flaws? To eas…
reference: This is a blog post of our Code Reading Wednesdays from Codacy ( we make code reviews easier and automatic. Follow the discussion on Reddit and Hacker News How freque…
前言 在保证代码没有功能问题,完成业务开发之余,有追求的程序员还要追求代码的规范.可维护性. 今天,以“成为优秀的程序员”为目标的拭心将和大家一起精益求精,学习使用 Lint 优化我们的代码. 什么是 Lint Lint 是Android Studio 提供的 代码扫描分析工具,它可以帮助我们发现代码结构/质量问题,同时提供一些解决方案,而且这个过程不需要我们手写测试用例. Lint 发现的每个问题都有描述信息和等级(和测试发现 bug 很相似),我们可以很方便地定位问题,同时按照严重程度进行解…   techscouting through the java news Stuff for Java info junkies Skip to content Home About Archive Impressum ← Confluence: Die Personel Sidebar in den privaten…
1 lint简介 1.1 概述 lint是随Android SDK自带的一个静态代码分析工具.它用来对Android工程的源文件进行检查,找出在正确性.安全.性能.可使用性.可访问性及国际化等方面可能的bugs和可优化提升的地方. 1.2 lint工作流程 针对我们的项目,通过lint.xml配置lint分析的选项,执行检查后,会针对要分析的issue生成报告. 2 lint使用 有关lint的使用,有以下地方需要理解: 2.1 分析的范围 要对Android项目进行静态分析,首先就是指定要分析…
作为移动应用开发者,我们总希望发布的apk文件越小越好,不希望资源文件没有用到的图片资源也被打包进apk,不希望应用中使用了高于minSdk的api,也不希望AndroidManifest文件存在异常,lint就能解决我们的这些问题.Android lint是在ADT 16提供的新工具,它是一个代码扫描工具,能够帮助我们识别代码结构存在的问题,主要包括: 1)布局性能(以前是 layoutopt工具,可以解决无用布局.嵌套太多.布局太多) 2)未使用到资源 3)不一致的数组大小 4)国际化问题(…
英文原文:  参照文章: 转载地址: 一.简介 Android Lint是SDK Tools 16 (ADT 16)之后才引入的工具,通过它对Android工程源代码进行扫描和检查,可发现潜在的问题,以便程序员及早修正这个问题…
转载自原文:,感谢原作者. 英文原文: 参照文章: 一.简介 Android Lint是SDK Tools 16 (ADT 16)之后才引入的工具,通过它对Android工程源代码进行扫描和检查,可发现潜在的问题,以便程序员及…
  Code understanding is a task we are always doing, though we are not even aware that we're doing it. It's an obvious need when a colleague is leaving and another gets his code. However, we have to learn code in lots of cases, i.e. when: we continue…
一.基本介绍 作为移动应用开发者,我们总希望发布的apk文件越小越好,不希望资源文件目录中没有用到的图片等资源也被打包进apk,不希望应用中使用了高于minSdk的api,也不希望AndroidManifest文件存在异常,lint就能解决我们的这些问题. Android lint是在ADT 16提供的新工具,它是一个代码扫描工具,能够帮助我们识别代码结构存在的问题,主要包括: Usability problems (like not specifying an input type on a…
2015-03-06   328   Unusual Data Types    ——You can carry this technique to extremes,putting all the variables in your program into one big,juicy variable and then passingit everywhere.Careful programmers avoid bundling data any more than is logically…
更新到adt2.0的开发者们可能会在handler上发现这么一条警告:This Handler class should be static or leaks might occur . 首先在ADT 20 Changes我们可以找到这样一个变化:New Lint Checks: Look for handler leaks: This check makes sure that a handler inner class does not hold an implicit reference …
This article is a combined effort of Innofied Javascript developers Puja Deora and Subhajit Ghosh) We have been working on a project for past 8 months (ongoing). Over the course of this project, we have learnt that small tweaks to general coding prac…
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If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you! Contents Awesome Go Audio and Music Authentication and OAuth Command Line Configuration Continuous I…
Markdown版本笔记 我的GitHub首页 我的博客 我的微信 我的邮箱 MyAndroidBlogs baiqiantao baiqiantao bqt20094 目录 目录添加构建依赖项依赖类型本地库模块依赖:project本地二进制依赖:fileTree 和 files远程二进制依赖依赖配置类型implementationapicompileOnlyruntimeOnlyannotationProcessorlintCheckslintPubli…
Awesome Go      financial support to Awesome Go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you… Have you ever been frustrated by slow debugging in Visual Studio? While we work hard to bring you a fast debugging experience, there are a lot of complex knobs that can affect the perform…
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
这里面说到的一个就是使用循环新建一个字符串时,用到了join(),这个比较高效,常常会随着push(); 绑定某个动作时,可以把要执行的绑定内容定义为一个函数,然后再执行.这样做的好处有很多.第一是可以多次执行,第二是方便调试,第三是方便重构. As a follow-up to “30 HTML and CSS Best Practices”, this week, we’ll review JavaScript! Once you’ve reviewed the list, be sure…
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C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
1.背景 最近在负责公司基础业务和移动基础设施的开发工作,正在负责Lint代码静态检查工作.因此编写了自定义的Lint规则,在编写自定义的Lint规则前,当然是需要去把Google的关于Lint检测的源代码看一遍学习学习如何编写自定义规则. google官方的lint源代码链接为:…
from stack overflow and another chapter I recently grew tired of constantly having to know String keys to pass arguments into Bundles when creating my Fragments. So I decided to make constructors for my Fragments that would take the parameters I want…
为开发者而建Built for developers GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work.GitHub是一个受你工作方式启发的开发平台. From open source to business, you can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other developers.从开…
使用ViewStub动态载入布局.避免一些不常常的视图长期握住引用: ViewStub的一些特点: 1. ViewStub仅仅能Inflate一次,之后ViewStub对象被置空:某个被ViewStub指定的布局被Inflate后,就不会够再通过ViewStub来控制它了. 2. ViewStub仅仅能用来Inflate一个布局文件,而不是某个详细的View.当然也能够把View写在某个布局文件里. 基于以上的特点.那么能够考虑使用ViewStub的情况有: 1. 在程序的运行期间,某个布局在I…