先看两段代码: export class ywg extends PureComponent { …… render() { return ( …… ); } } export class ywg extends Component { …… render() { return ( …… ); } } PureComponent VS Component Stateless components may also be referred to as Pure Components, or eve…
We can access web pages in our React Native application using the WebView component. We will connect the links in our repository component to their Github web page when a user click on them. Navigate to WebView component: openPage(url){ this.props.na…
Let's take a look at the basics of using React Native's Image component, as well as adding some reusable styling to our Dashboard component buttons. We are going to build Dashboard Component, it will looks like this: Basicly have one image component…
In this lesson, you will learn how to use the SafeAreaView component to avoid the sensor cluster (the notch) and home activity indicator on the iPhone X. SafeAreaView is similar to the View, just for iphone X, the screen is different from previous ve…
因为文档只列出了TabBarIOS, 不支持Android,所以github上找到这个组件. 先说下我的页面构造:  入口文件 —> 注册组件(包含Navigator, 跳转到欢迎页)—> 欢迎页(一定时间后replace navigator) —> 底部导航页面 底部导航引用TabNavigator插件react-native-tab-navigator(TabNavigator创建子Component的写法是参考github上一个开源项目) <TabNavigator hide…
In this lesson we'll create a reusable React Native separator component which manages it's own styles. import React from 'react'; import {View, StyleSheet} from 'react-native'; var styles = StyleSheet.create({ divdir: { height: , backgroundColor: '#E…
To show a list of unchanging data in React Native you can use the scroll view component. In this lesson, we'll map through the data we got back from the Github API, and fill complete ScrollView component for the user profile. After call goToProfile f…
前言 本系列是基于React Native版本号0.44.3写的.在我们之前的通过props实现组件间传值的时候,大家有没有发现在父组件传递值过去,在子控件获取props的时候没有提示,那么如何能实现让其有提示呢?这篇文章将带领大家去认识一下PropTypes这个玩意. PropTypes 问题: 在自定义组件的时候,通常需要暴露属性出去,并且设置属性类型,外界在使用自定义组件的属性的时候,需要有自动提示属性功能. 解决: 使用PropTypes PropTypes用处: 可以实现类型检查,当传…
前言 本系列是基于React Native版本号0.44.3写的.在我们之前的通过props实现组件间传值的时候,大家有没有发现在父组件传递值过去,在子控件获取props的时候没有提示,那么如何能实现让其有提示呢?这篇文章将带领大家去认识一下PropTypes这个玩意. PropTypes 问题: 在自定义组件的时候,通常需要暴露属性出去,并且设置属性类型,外界在使用自定义组件的属性的时候,需要有自动提示属性功能. 解决: 使用PropTypes PropTypes用处: 可以实现类型检查,当传…
A new Higher Order Component (HOC) was recently released in React v16.6.0 called React.memo. This behavior of the HOC is similar to what you’d get when using React.PureComponent or shouldComponentUpdate in a React Class Component. However, now with t…