
A hundred years ago it was assumed and scientifically “proved” by economists that the laws of society made it necessary to have a vast army of poor and jobless people in order tokeep the economy going. Today, hardly anybody would dare to voice this p…
PSpice A/D9.1个别时候可能会出现异常现象,例如:某一步后,突然电路图的电源极性被自动改变了!造成直流电压和直流电流不正常,输出无波形.所以应该趁正常的时候做好备份是明智的. PSpice A/D9.1没有提供变压器仿真,但是可以用一个磁芯和3只电感来模拟. PSpice A/D9.2提供了变压器仿真库模块. 默认环境温度是27℃. 电阻的单位是:(Ω)(默认),K(Ω),MEG(MΩ):允许使用4R7.4K7的标注方法:但是,0.1Ω不能标成容易混淆的R1,也不支持4M7或4MEG7…