This problem generally start when you are having an existing custom workflow and there are instances of workflow running. You do some changes to the workflow and reinstall the assembly in the GAC. The new assembly is basically overwriting the existin…
Tools: Visual Studio 2008,Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt, Sharepoint Server 2007 Generate .disco and .wsdl files through Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt in Visual Studio Tools Run command: Disco http://sp2007:14908/_vti_bin/PSWebService.asmx <%@…
Excute Timerjob public class TriggerLoadCacheTimerJob : SPJobDefinition { string ExceptionFlag = string.Empty; public TriggerLoadCacheTimerJob() : base() { } // Overriding the parameterized constructor public TriggerLoadCacheTimerJob(string jobName,…
今天公司内网莫名的出现错误,只能新建列表条目,不能创建网站,到后来列表条目也不能创建了,一直报0x80040E14错误.于是Google一把,搜索这个错误号,然后在apearce 的Blog找到了原因.原文如下: HRESULT: 0x80040E14 when adding items to SharePoint If you receive HRESULT: 0x80040E14 when trying to add an item like announcements/webpart/sa…
Experience comes when you give a try or do something, I worked in to many SharePoint development project but my last project was troubled me during the deployment on staging server. I really interested to share the learning with all of you. Recently…
My Sites overview (SharePoint Server 2010) Plan for My Sites (SharePoint Server 2010) Set up My Sites (SharePoin…
转: 本文主要包括以下几方面内容: 1.页面布局和母版页 2.页面布局模型 3.页面模型 4.字段控件和控件模板 5.页面处理模型 1.页面布局和母版页 母版页和页面布局是MOSS2007中最基本的两个模板模型.母版页和页面布局共同构成了你在SharePoint网站上看得到的任何一个页面.母版页包括很多控件,比如导航栏.搜索或站点地图等.…
转: WSSv3 Technical Articles_Windows SharePoint Services 3.0编码开发工具和技巧(Part 1 of 2) 摘要:学习开发Windows SharePoint Services 3.0的技能,与传统ASP.NET开发的区别,需要的开发环境,用Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePo…
刘海峰:国内知名微软开源技术网站51Aspx 创始人,十年以上的Asp.net从业经验,微软MSDN特约讲师.Teched讲师.ImagineCup大赛评委.人大出版社研修班特约讲师,曾多次受邀访问美国西雅图的微软总部,2009年与业内知名MVP组建易纵互联(北京)科技有限公司并任运营总监.现专注于微软Azure技术领域,在Azure平台进行功能实践和传统Web平台迁移方面有诸多实战经验.陈锐:2002-2008 Visual Basic MVP魏滔序:2009-2011微软MVP,2007 C…
Question  141 You are planning an upgrade to a SharePoint 2010 application. You have the following requirements:.Modify an existing workflow to include a new code activity..Ensure running instances of the workflow continue to work..Ensure new instanc…