drop table #tmp1999 drop table #tmp2999 drop table #tmp3999 drop table #tmp4999 drop table #tmp5999 drop table #tmp6999 drop table #tmp7999 drop table #tmp8999 drop table #tmp9999 drop table #tmp1 create table #tmp1999 ( ,) NOT NULL, ) NULL, ) NULL,…
这个自动触发的过程是怎么实现的? 使用下面的代码创建一个销售订单: DATA: ls_header TYPE bapisdhd1, ls_headerx TYPE bapisdhd1x, lt_bapiret2 LIKE bapiret2 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, po_order_number TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln, lt_partners TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr, lt_order_items_in TYPE TABLE…
SAP Cloud for Customer的销售订单创建页面里,我们可以给一个订单维护External Note,当这个订单同步到S/4HANA生成对应的生产订单后,这个note可以作为备注提示生产工人. 它的建模逻辑是: 首先进入调试模式,查看到这个字段绑定到UI模型的TextCollection/CustomerInformation上 然后进入Cloud Application Studio,找到UI模型这个字段,查看发现它又绑定到了BO的TextByTextTypeCodeAndLan…
转自[http://www.cnblogs.com/elegantok/archive/2009/10/18/1585398.html]***********SALES ORDER INPUT CREATION. REPORT soi. PARAMETERS: p_auart TYPE auart OBLIGATORY.PARAMETERS: p_vkorg TYPE vkorg OBLIGATORY.PARAMETERS: p_vtweg TYPE vtweg OBLIGATORY.PARAM…
using System; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query; using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages; /// <summary> /// 销售订单 /// </summary> public class SoleOrderHelper { public static readonly string enti…