1.导入项目 准备工作 1, first we should make sure the compile with build.sh under ORB_SLAM2-master is OK. 2, then if we want to build debug version, we need to duplicate the build.sh to build_debug.sh and change the "-DCMAKE-BUILD_TYPE=Release" to "…
主要内容: SP的算法流程 SP的MATLAB实现 一维信号的实验与结果 测量数M与重构成功概率关系的实验与结果 SP与CoSaMP的性能比较 一.SP的算法流程 压缩采样匹配追踪(CoSaMP)与子空间追踪(SP)几乎完全一样,因此算法流程也基本一致. SP与CoSaMP主要区别在于"Ineach iteration, in the SP algorithm, only K new candidates are added, while theCoSAMP algorithm adds 2K…