Learn c language the one day】的更多相关文章

C language 学习心得 附:为啥起这么霸气侧漏,招大神们鄙视的标题,正如我在<C language>随笔的介绍中写的,这是一个写个妹纸们看的C language的文章.没错!!写这篇文章的灵感也来自于上周Clanguage课上偶撩到一个连书包都不放下在玩手机的妹子(普通聊天而已,嘘~~~),得知她课后在自学慕课,刚看到数组·····那得有多慢!于是,小子虽不才,但正义感十足,决心写一章超级宇宙无敌简单入门炫酷无敌吊炸天的C language 入门指南. 其实,鄙人大一上受了大神Alex…
第一个c程序 #include<stdio.h> int main() { ; ; printf_s("请输入两个数字:"); scanf_s("%d,%d",&x,&y); printf_s("%d+%d=%d",x,y,x+y); ; } 第一天就出现很多问题 vs2017 在打开MFC rc文件时找不到rcdll.dll 你可以从下面这个文件夹把rc.exe和rcdll.dll这两个文件拷贝出来 然后粘贴在下面这…
I'm going to start to learn Javascript in this month. Someone told me you can't learn another language if you already have a native language. So we need to forget to learn better.Compare to remeber,it's really hard for me to forget.However I like cha…
https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-learn-machine-learning-1?redirected_qid=6578644   How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…
https://www.ted.com/talks/lydia_machova_the_secrets_of_learning_a_new_language/transcript 00:13I love learning foreign languages. In fact, I love it so much that I like to learn a new language every two years, currently working on my eighth one. When…
A Complete Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Python from Scratch Introduction It happened few years back. After working on SAS for more than 5 years, I decided to move out of my comfort zone. Being a data scientist, my hunt for other useful tools w…
This tutorial is available as a short ebook. The e-book features extra content from follow-up posts on various Python best practices, all in a convenient, self-contained format. All future updates are free for people who purchase it. Preliminary fluf…
"Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!" Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice,…
第一次写这么多英文~~对照双语字幕整理的~~ 这是我很喜欢的一个演讲~~ 让我们一起学英文吧 l  I love learning foreign languages. l  In fact, I love it so much that I like to learn a new language every two years, currently working on my eighth one. l  When people find that out about me, they al…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Today when taking a bath I got a good idea that it is an efficient and interesting way to learn a new programming language: (These days I learn Python from the Python manual and feel a little bored....) Learn programming by trying some little or larg…
when you learn something, just like learn computer language. if you just learn some basic usage, not master the nature. you will be restricted by the language. when you realize the nature, you can let it service you comfortably. 当我们学习一种东西的时候,一定要掌握它的本…
http://devs.cloudimmunity.com/gotchas-and-common-mistakes-in-go-golang/ 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs Go is a simple and fun language, but, like any other language, it has a few gotchas... Many of those gotc…
What is machine learning? One area of technology that is helping improve the services that we use on our smartphones, and on the web, is machine learning. Sometimes, the terms machine learning and artificial intelligence get used as synonyms, especia…
Whetting Your Appetite [吊你的胃口]... 这里就直接原文奉上了... If you do much work on computers, eventually you find that there’s some task you’d like to automate. For example, you may wish to perform a search-and-replace over a large number of text files, or renam…
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play import UIKit var str = "Welcome to Play Swift! Step by Step learn Swift language from now!" // range str.rangeOfString("Step") // 默认从前面开始搜索 str.rangeOfString("Step", option…
If you do much work on computers, eventually you find that there’s some task you’d like to automate. For example, you may wish to perform a search-and-replace over a large number of text files, or rename and rearrange a bunch of photo files in a comp…
C语言学习笔记... ------------------------------------ Hello C语言:什么是程序:程序是指:完成某件事的既定方式和过程.计算机中的程序是指:为了让计算机执行某些操作.或解决某个问题而编写的一系列有序指令的集合:(就是某段有序指令的集合:) 指令:上级下达给我的需要执行的命令. 算法:是一个定义明确的计算过程.就是一系列的计算步骤.算法就是.完成某个任务的一系列步骤. 好用的C和C++的开发工具:Code:Blocks <专业的C和C++开发工具>程…
如果你有很多工作是通过计算机来完成的,那么你一定希望其中的很多事情能够自动地实现.比方说,你希望在文本文件中实现查找和替换的功能,以某一种机制实现照片的重命名以及重新排序的功能,一个小型的数据库甚至是一个自己的游戏. 如果你是一个专业的软件开发者,你要使用诸如C/C++/Java这样的开发语言却发现他们的开发周期太长了(编程/编译/测试/重新编译).也许你正在为编写这样的一个库或者是一组测试用例而苦恼.或者你曾经已经写过一些能够被其它语言扩展的代码,而你又不希望设计一个全新的语言来实现你的目的.…
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) is a language used as the output of a number of compilers (C#, VB, .NET, and so forth). The ILDasm (Intermediate Language Disassembler) program that ships with the .NET Framework SDK (FrameworkSDK\Bin\ildasm.exe…
You have asked some very important questions. I think the first step is to prioritize the issues: You have an interview in a few weeks and you need to perform well. This is first priority. What can you do to predict the specific skills, topics and ot…
系统环境Debian 8,内核版本 一.首先来安装nginx服务程序:  1.安装nginx服务需要的相关程序(记得在root权限下操作下面的指令) aptitude install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 libssl-dev zlib1g-dev 2.接下就下载nginx的源码配置安装,如下所示 注:在运行.configure文件的时候出现下面的错误,./configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenS…
Awesome Courses  Introduction There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lect…
How to Write Go Code   如何编写go语言代码 Introduction   介绍 Code organization  组织代码 Overview  概述 Workspaces  工作区 The GOPATH environment variable GOPATH环境变量 Import paths 导入路径 Your first program  你的第一个程序 Your first library 您的第一个库 Package names  包名字 Testing  测试…
This is the first week for me to speak English formally. There’re two main problems: First, I’m scared to open my mouth, that is, I have no confidence and courage to talk to others. You know what? Since I listened to videos I told myself there would…
It’s that time again to choose the tool or technology that we want to brush up on. If you feel like you’ve been working hard at building but maybe not learning as much as you’d like, I’ve got your back covered. Please enjoy the fifth installment of o…
By Michael Halls-Moore on August 2nd, 2016 This post relates to a talk I gave in April at QuantCon 2016 in New York City. QuantCon was hosted by Quantopian and I was invited to talk about some of the topics discussed on QuantStart. I decided to talk…
What is Grammar? And why grammar is your friend… Grammar(noun): the structure and system of a language , or of languages in general, usually considered to consist of syntax and morphology Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe…
springboot成神之--ioc容器(依赖注入) spring的ioc功能 文件目录结构 lang Chinese English GreetingService MyRepository MyComponent AppConfiguration DemoApplication 运行结果 springboot成神之--ioc容器(依赖注入) spring,maven环境请自行搭建,本文重点放在ioc容器的工作原理 spring的ioc功能 一个对象的实例和字段的值被一个特殊的对象从外部注入,…
http://ourcoders.com/thread/show/5550/ @tinyfool 看了您在quora上回答的『为什么说程序员是最好的职业』,加上本来就想学编程(但是一直以来因为各种借口...到现在都还没开始学..).现在决心要行动了...买了台RMBP回来. 希望您给点建议...开始该如何学习...看到quora上您说,从阅读像Linux内核这样的大型开源软件代码开始学习编程是最不好的.怕自己随便开始学习很容易进入误区...所以很想得到您的建议. 希望看到这个帖子的大家都能给点建…