原文:https://codesmith.atlassian.net/wiki/display/Generator/Configuring+and+troubleshooting+a+Schema+Provider The sections below will help guide you through using and configuring various Schema Providers that ship with CodeSmith Generator. Creating a n…
通常需要添加以下引用:   1 2 3 using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using CUBRID.Data.CUBRIDClient; 定义连接字符串:   1 2 /* conection string, please modify before using. */ string _connString = "server=localhost;database=demodb;port=33000;user=public;password…
今天想使用CodeSimth生成一个sqlite数据库的模板.当添加添加数据库的时候发现: .Net Framework Data Provider 可能没有安装. 下面找到官方的文档说明: SQLite Schema Provider If you are trying to use the SQLite Schema Provider you may encounter the error message: 'The System.Data.SQLite library is not ins…
转自:https://container-solutions.com/write-terraform-provider-part-1/ This is the first part of a series of blog posts that explain how to write Terraform providers. Before we start I would like to state that this article asumes a couple of things from…
原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/chenrui7/p/3592082.html 今天想使用CodeSimth生成一个sqlite数据库的模板.当添加添加数据库的时候发现: .Net Framework Data Provider 可能没有安装. 下面找到官方的文档说明: SQLite Schema Provider If you are trying to use the SQLite Schema Provider you may encounter the error m…
内容来自官方文档,主要是进行学习自定义provider 开发的流程 开发说明 我们需要开发的有provider 以及resource 对于resource 我们需要进行crud 的处理,同时还需要进行状态的 处理 项目初始化 dep 使用dep 进行包管理 dep init provider package main import ( "github.com/hashicorp/terraform/helper/schema" ) func Provider() *schema.Pro…
转自:https://www.terraform.io/docs/extend/writing-custom-providers.html 很详细,做为一个记录 In Terraform, a Provider is the logical abstraction of an upstream API. This guide details how to build a custom provider for Terraform. NOTE: This guide details steps t…
2014-12-25 Created By BaoXinjian…
INV Note 123456.1 Latest 11i Applications Recommended Patch List Note 568012.1:FAQ: Inventory Standard Datafixes Note 438787.1: What are the events passed using Custom library and when do they fire? Note 438920.1 How To Customize Standard Oracle Appl…
Applies to:  Oracle Applications Technology Stack - Version: to 12.1.3 - Release: 11.5.10 to 12.1 Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal This note is to list the main Setup, Installation and Diagnostics notes available r…