Suppose you want to populate a non-database data block with records manually in Oracle forms. This task can be done using a cursor.   Below is the example given for hr.job_history table, where user input the employee id in upper block and click on th…
SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK Determining current block in Oracle Forms Using SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK system variable. The value that the SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK system variable represents depends on the current navigation unit:If the current navigation unit is the bl…
Oracle Forms is having its default records filter, which we can use through Enter Query mode to specify some search criteria or to filter records before display, but you can also create your own filter, which can be more user friendly and easy to use…
Example is given below to create a data block based on From Clause query in Oracle Forms. The following are the steps: Create a data block manually and set the following properties: You can specify different query as per your need. Then create the it…
基本关系:数据库---表空间---数据段---分区---数据块 数据块(data Block)一.数据块Block是Oracle存储数据信息的最小单位.这里说的是Oracle环境下的最小单位.Oracle也就是通过数据块来屏蔽不同操作系统存储结构的差异.无论是Windows环境,还是Unix/Linux环境,他们的操作系统存储结构和方式.甚至字符排列的方式都是不同的.Oracle利用数据块将这些差异加以屏蔽,全部数据操作采用对Oracle块的操作,相当于是一个层次的抽象. 二.Oracle所有对…
The example given below for writing text file or CSV using Text_IO package from a tabular block in Oracle Forms.   Suppose there is a tabular grid data block "Job_History" in your forms and you want to write a CSV on click of a button by reading…
In this tutorial you will learn to create horizontal scrollable tabular or detail data block by using stacked canvas in Oracle Forms. As shown in below picture the first column Empno is fixed and middle columns Ename, Job, Mgr and Hiredate are scroll…
The database can use table compression to eliminate duplicate values in a data block. This section describes the format of data blocks that use compression. The format of a data block that uses basic and advanced row compression is essentially the sa…
You have an Oracle Form in which you have multiple data blocks and requirement is to commit just one data block changes and not to effect any other data blocks. But suppose you have a commit_form button also in form which will commit all the data blo…
好吧,先说说造成崩溃的原因: 使用redhat 5.9 Linux 作为数据库服务器, 周五数据库正在使用中,硬关机造成数据库文件部分损坏(周一上班时,应用程序启动不起来,查看日志文件时,发现一个数据表映射失败) 使用pl/sql 查询数据文件时,发现 查询表正常,但是使用 where限制条件的时候,会造成崩溃      (只是为了说明命令,未保留当时警告截图) 然后出现 ORA-01578 data block corrupted , 因此 问题排查为当前数据表索引存在问题, 因此使用备份数据…