Entity Framework Architecture】的更多相关文章

Entity Framework Architecture The following figure shows the overall architecture of the Entity Framework. Let us now look at the components of the architecture individually: EDM (Entity Data Model): EDM consists of three main parts - Conceptual mode…
我们来看看EF的框架设计吧: The following figure shows the overall architecture of the Entity Framework. Let us now look at the components of the architecture individually: EDM (Entity Data Model): EDM consists of three main parts - Conceptual model, Mapping and…
http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/EntityFramework-Architecture.aspx The following figure shows the overall architecture of the Entity Framework. Let us now look at the components of the architecture individually: 最左边的一大块 EDM (Entity Data Model):…
好久没写博客了,继续开启霸屏模式,好了,废话不多说,这次准备重新系统学一下EF,一个偶然的机会找到了一个学习EF的网站(http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/).准备按照上面一点一点学,学习之路,贵在坚持,贵在持之以恒,这是我给自己的忠告,我不聪明,但我愿意花比别人更多的时间,来学习,相信总有一天,总会有守得花开见月明的那一天! EF学习系列: 1.基本的EF系列教程 [Basics of Entity Framework][EF基础系列1] EF是啥?[…
随着 Entity Framework 最新主版本 EF6 的推出,Microsoft 对象关系映射 (ORM) 工具达到了新的专业高度,与久负盛名的 .NET ORM 工具相比已不再是门外汉. EF 已经完全成熟,正在超越以前广泛使用的工具. 自 2012 年 EF5 发布后,这种做法带来了两个方面的进步. 首先,从 .NET Framework 中提取所有的 Entity Framework API,并与团队同时正在开发的非常规功能 API 组合在一起. 其次,整个开发工作改用了开源模型.…
How This Book Is Organized 本书组织结构 Programming Entity Framework, Second Edition, focuses on two ways for you to learn. If you learn best by example, you’ll find many walkthroughs and code samples throughout the book; if you’re always looking for the b…
1. Introducing the ADO.NET Entity Framework ado.net entity framework 介绍 1 The Entity Relationship Model: Programming Against a Model,Not the Database 实体关系模型:使用模型编程,而非数据库 2 The Entity Data Model: A Client-Side Data Model 试题对象模型:客户端对象模型 3 Entities: Blu…
代码生成器: 1. http://www.codesmithtools.com/ 2.https://sourceforge.net/projects/mygeneration/ 3. http://nmg.codeplex.com/  NHibernate Mapping Generator https://github.com/luchen1021/NHibernateMappingGenerator 4.https://github.com/fdecaire/NHibernateMappi…
原文:http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/mvc/using-the-repository-pattern-with-asp.net-mvc-and-entity-framework.htm Introduction Data driven web applications need to have a neat strategy for data access. One of the important aspects of this str…
Introduction This article introduces Entity Framework to absolute beginners. The article is meant for developers who are primarily using ADO.NET to write their data access layers.  Many experienced developers will find this article very basic but sin…