Index What is SUDO? Scenario. Sudoer FIle Syntax. Exploiting SUDO zip tar strace tcpdump nmap scp except nano & pico git ftp/gdb What is SUDO ?? The SUDO(Substitute User and Do) command, allows users to delegate privileges resources proceeding activi…
(Linux) privilege escalation is all about: Collect - Enumeration, more enumeration and some more enumeration. Process - Sort through data, analyse and prioritisation. Search - Know what to search for and where to find the exploit code. Adapt - Custom…
Privilege Escalation Download the Basic-pentesting vitualmation from the following website:,216/ 1.Scan the target server using nmap. nmap -Pn -sS --stats-every 3m --max-scan-delay --defeat-rst-ratelim…
catalog . 程序功能概述 . 感染文件 . 前置知识 . 获取ROOT权限: Linux Kernel <= - Local Privilege Escalation 1. 程序功能概述 . 得到root权限 . 感染文件 . 进行破坏 Relevant Link: 2. 感染文件 该病毒采取感染.C源代码文件的方式进行传播感染,即在每个被感染的源代码的主函数中插入恶意函数的调用,以及在文件的其他位置插入恶意逻…
目录 . How To Start A System Level Attack . Remote Access Attack . Local Access Attack . After Get Root Shell 1. how to start a system level attack 对系统层面的攻击,即包括我们常说的提权,也包括很多其他维度的攻击方式,为了完成这个目标,我们需要对目标系统上可能存在的弱点做些明智的猜测,这个过程就是"弱点映射(vulnerability mapping)&…
In this blog post we'll go over a Linux kernel privilege escalation vulnerability I discovered which enables arbitrary code execution within the kernel. The vulnerability affected all devices based on Qualcomm chipsets (that is, based on the "msm&quo…
/**  * CVE-2014-4014 Linux Kernel Local Privilege Escalation PoC  *  * Vitaly Nikolenko  *  *  * Usage: ./poc [file_path]  *  * where file_path is the file on which you want to set the sgid bit  */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <s…
Windows: DfMarshal Unsafe Unmarshaling Elevation of Privilege (Master) Platform: Windows (not tested earlier, although code looks similar on Win8+) Class: Elevation of Privilege Note, this is the master issue report for the DfMarshal unmarshaler. I’m…
/* * FreeBSD 9.0 Intel SYSRET Kernel Privilege Escalation exploit * Author by CurcolHekerLink * * This exploit based on open source project, I can make it open source too. Right? * * If you blaming me for open sourcing this exploit, you can fuck your…
# Exploit Title: Memu Play - Privilege Escalation (PoC) # Date: // # Author: Alejandra Sánchez # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version…