How To Determine The Cause Of Lots Of Redo Generation Using LogMiner (Doc ID 300395.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 8.1.7 to 10.2]Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and l…
Modified: 29-Mar-2014 Type: HOWTO In this DocumentGoal   Solution   1. Based upon an output file generated by XML Publisher   2. Based upon the applied patches   2.1. Oracle E-Business Suite 11i   2.2. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1  …
从10点到12点数据库中对象块变化排名靠前的对象 select to_char(begin_interval_time,'YYYY_MM_DD HH24:MI') snap_time, dhsso.object_name, sum(db_block_changes_delta) from dba_hist_seg_stat dhss, dba_hist_seg_stat_obj dhsso, dba_hist_snapshot dhs where dhs.snap_id = dhss.snap_…
LogMiner Utility Release 8i - 11g (Doc ID 291686.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and laterOracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version…
Oracle Online Patching报错"This is not a RAC setup. OPatch cannot determine the local node name" 问题描述 Oracle有一个BUG为 Bug 18034737 - Tracefiles from wxxx space management slave processes after upgrade to (Doc ID 18034737.8). 具体会一…
Introduction Configuring HugePages Force Oracle to use HugePages (USE_LARGE_PAGES) Disabling Transparent HugePages (RHEL6/OL6) Configuring 1G Hugepagesize Introduction For large SGA sizes, HugePages can give substantial benefits in virtual memory man…
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential. Click to add to Favorites Troubleshooting: High Version Count Issues (Doc ID 296377.1) To BottomTo Bottom In this DocumentPurpose Ask Questions, Get Help, And Share Your Experience…
这oracle官方推荐的在OLTP环境下,MySQL参数设置的最佳实践. 下面的参数设置,对系统的性能会很有帮助.但是建议大家还是结合实际情况使用. APPLIES TO: MySQL Server – Version 5.6 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. PURPOSE Strongly recommended initial settings for MySQL Server when used…
转自 在Oracle 10g以上的版本,High version count可谓是一个臭名昭著的问题.Hight version count不仅仅产生的原因多种多样,并且会导致各种令人头痛的问题,轻导致数据库的性能急剧下降,CPU利用率剧增,重则导致数据库挂起,触发ORA-04031或者其它bug导致宕机. 什么是verion count,什么是high? 在弄清楚诊断和解决这个问题之前…
Master Note: High Undo Space Usage (Doc ID 1578639.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and laterOracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A an…
log file parallel write概念介绍 log file parallel write 事件是LGWR进程专属的等待事件,发生在LGWR将日志缓冲区(log_buffer)中的重做日志信息写入联机重做日志文件组的成员文件,LGWR在该事件上等待该写入过程的完成.该事件的等待表示重做日志所处的磁盘设备缓慢或存在争用.下面看看官方一些资料是如何解释log file parallel write等待事件的. log file parallel write   Writing redo…
Oracle EBS R12 (12.1.3) Installation Linux(64 bit) Contents Objective. 3 1 Download & Unzip. 3 Download. 3 Unzip. 3 MD5 Checksums. 4 2 Pre-Install Task. 5 Disk Space. 5 Specific Software Requirements. 5 RPM... 6 JDK. 8 OS User & Group. 11 3 Instal…
Using Block Change Tracking to Improve Incremental Backup Performance 使用块改变跟踪改善增量备份的性能 The block change tracking feature for incremental backups improves backup performance by recording changed blocks for each data file.    块改变跟踪特性通过记录每个数据文件的块改变来改善增量…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
Solr4.8.0源码分析(6)之非排序查询 上篇文章简单介绍了Solr的查询流程,本文开始将详细介绍下查询的细节.查询主要分为排序查询和非排序查询,由于两者走的是两个分支,所以本文先介绍下非排序的查询. 查询的流程主要在SolrIndexSearch.getDocListC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd),顾名思义该函数对queryResultCache进行处理,并根据查询条件选择进入排序查询还是非排序查询. 1  /** 2 * getDocList ve…
Solr4.8.0源码分析(5)之查询流程分析总述 前面已经写到,solr查询是通过http发送命令,solr servlet接受并进行处理.所以solr的查询流程从SolrDispatchsFilter的dofilter开始.dofilter包含了对http的各个请求的操作.Solr的查询方式有很多,比如q,fq等,本章只关注select和q.页面下发的查询请求如下:http://localhost:8080/solr/test/select?q=code%3A%E8%BE%BD*+AND+l…
整体说明 文档目的 本文档针对WIP模块业务功能和接口进行分析和研究,对採用并发请求方式和调用API方式分别进行介绍 内容 WIP模块经常使用标准表简单介绍 WIP事物处理组成 WIP相关业务流程 WIP相关API研究事例 (十)參考文档(七)採购相关的一些知识 (一)WIP模块经常使用标准表简单介绍 1.1   经常使用标准表 例如以下表中列出了与WIP导入相关的表和说明: 表名 说明 其它信息 BOM_STRUCTURES_B BOM头信息 BOM_COMPONENTS_B BOM组件信息…
 Oracle Database (RDBMS) on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2) (文档 ID 169706.1) _afrLoop=509703735454401&id=169706.1&_afrWindowMode=0&…
Doc ID 428681.1 Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 11.2]Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal The goal of this note is to provide steps to add, remove, replace or mo…
In this Document   Symptoms   Changes   Cause   Solution   References APPLIES TO: Oracle Applications Technology Stack - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5.10 to 12.1]Information in this document applies to any platform. SYMPTOMS *** Checked f…
总体说明 文档目的 本文档针对WIP模块业务功能和接口进行分析和研究,对采用并发请求方式和调用API方式分别进行介绍 内容 WIP模块常用标准表简介 WIP事物处理组成 WIP相关业务流程 WIP相关API研究事例 (十)参考文档(七)采购相关的一些知识 (一)WIP模块常用标准表简介 1.1   常用标准表 如下表中列出了与WIP导入相关的表和说明: 表名 说明 其他信息 BOM_STRUCTURES_B BOM头信息 BOM_COMPONENTS_B BOM组件信息 BOM_OPERATIO…
How to Simulate the Price Order or Price Line Function using API QP_PREQ_PUB.PRICE_REQUEST Includes Example Scripts (文档 ID 412545.1) 转到底部 In this Document Purpose   Scope   Details   Example Scripts to Simulate Price Order   qp_engine_testing.sql   q…
1.引子 2014年9月13日 20:33 <oracle Applications DBA 基础>介绍Oracle Applications R12的系统架构, 数据库后台及应用系统的基础知识.目标是向一个具有一般UNIX,JAVA, ORACLE知识的OracleDBA 介绍Oracle Applications R12的基础知识,让他/她能够从此 通过独立的研究(Research)去解决新问题,成为一个优秀的OracleEBS DBA. <oracleApplications DB…
In this Document   Purpose   Questions and Answers   IMPORTANT:   1. How to find versions of files in packages?   2. How to check if a patch is applied?   3. How to find the patch set level for an application?   4. How to find instance name, host nam…
Analyzing 'enq: HW - contention' Wait Event (Doc ID 740075.1) In this Document   Symptoms   Cause   Solution   References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and…
select event,count(1) from gv$session group by event order by 2;exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''';' from v$session where event='latch free'; SET LINESIZE 200SET NEWPAGE NONECOL…
转自:   定位的办法: --查询row cache lock等待 select event,p1  from v$session where  event= 'row cache lock' and status='ACTIVE';   --查询rowcache 名称 select * from v$rowcache where cache# =p1; 名称 P1 P2 P3 原因 处理 row …
Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.     ORA-4031 错误故障排除与诊断[视频] (Doc ID 2016002.1) To Bottom 文档内容   用途   常见 Bug   问题和答案   在 SGA 池中内存是如何分配和释放的?   什么是子池(Subpools)?   什么是保留区域?   SGA 中的各池的作用是什么?   ORA-4031 错误是什么?   我的保留区域…
How to Format Corrupted Block Not Part of Any Segment (Doc ID 336133.1) To BottomTo Bottom In this Document Symptoms Changes Cause Solution References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later Oracle Database Exadata Cl…
基础 12c新特性 性能 Troubleshoot 其它 1. Oracle Goldengate 支持部署到哪些拓扑? GoldenGate supports the following topologies. More details can be found here. Unidirectional Bidirectional Peer-to-peer Broadcast Consolidation Cascasding 2. Oracle Goldengate 复制链路包含哪些组件? T…