Deep neural nets with a large number of parameters are very powerful machine learning systems. However, overfitting is a serious problem in such networks. Large networks are also slow to use, m…
先上菜单: 摘要: Deep neural nets with a large number of parameters are very powerful machine learning systems. However, overfitting is a serious problem in such networks. Large networks are also slow to use, making it difficult to deal with overfitting by…
理论知识:Deep learning:四十一(Dropout简单理解).深度学习(二十二)Dropout浅层理解与实现.“Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors” 感觉没什么好说的了,该说的在引用的这两篇博客里已经说得很清楚了,直接做试验吧 注意: 1.在模型的测试阶段,使用”mean network(均值网络)”来得到隐含层的输出,其实就是在网络前向传播到输出层前时隐含层节点的输出值都…
Must Know Tips/Tricks in Deep Neural Networks (by Xiu-Shen Wei)   Deep Neural Networks, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with… Deep Neural Networks, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with mul…
CNN综述文章 的翻译 [2019 CVPR] A Survey of the Recent Architectures of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 翻译 综述深度卷积神经网络架构:从基本组件到结构创新 目录 摘要    1.引言    2.CNN基本组件        2.1 卷积层        2.2 池化层        2.3 激活函数        2.4 批次归一化        2.5 Dropout        2.6 全连接层…
Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks CHRIS OLAHGoogle Brain SHAN CARTERGoogle Brain Sept. 8 2016 Citation: Olah & Carter, 2016 Recurrent neural networks are one of the staples of deep learning, allowing neural networks to work with seque…
摘要 本文提出了一种新方法,可以基于简单的爬山过程自动搜索性能良好的CNN架构,该算法运算符应用网络态射,然后通过余弦退火进行短期优化运行. 令人惊讶的是,这种简单的方法产生了有竞争力的结果,尽管只需要与训练单个网络相同数量级的资源.例如使用该算法,在单个GPU上训练12个小时就可以将CIFAR-10数据集的错误率降低到6%一下,训练一整天后能够降低到5%左右. 1.介绍 背景不再详述,我们可以知道的是传统的优化算法并不能实现神经网络架构的自动搜索是因为其架构搜索空间是 离散的(例如层数.层类型…
neurons and simple neural networks pynest – nest模拟器的界面 神经模拟工具(专为仿真点神经元的大型异构网络而设计. 它是根据GPL许可证发布的开源软件. 该模拟器带有Python的接口[4]. 图1说明了用户的模拟脚本(和NEST模拟器之间的交互. [2]包含该接口实现的技术详细描述,本文的部分内容均基于此参考. 仿真内核使用C ++编写,以获得最高性能的仿真…
目录 概 主要内容 二分类模型 为线性 为一般二分类 多分类问题 仿射 为一般多分类 Moosavidezfooli S, Fawzi A, Frossard P, et al. DeepFool: A Simple and Accurate Method to Fool Deep Neural Networks[C]. computer vision and pattern recognition, 2016: 2574-2582. @article{moosavidezfooli2016de…