Customizing Image Sets for Size Classes Add images to a set that are customized for display in different size classes supported by your app. 应用程序也支持把图片存入一个自定义集合,用来在不同的尺寸类中显示. In the set list, select an image set. 在集合列表(set list)中,选择一个图片集. Open the ut…
Customizing Image Sets for Devices Add images to a set that are customized for display on the devices supported by your app. 应用程序支持把图片加入一个自定义图片集,用来在不同设备商显示.  In the set list, select an image set. 在图片集列表中,选择一个图片集. Open the utilities area for the works…
Adding Image Sets Organize versions of your images in image sets, which you can add to an asset catalog. 你可以用图片集组织管理不同版本的图片 ,图片集可以放入一个asset catalog. In the project navigator, select an asset catalog. 在项目导航区(project navigator)中,选择一个asset catalog. Sele…
Removing Images and Sets Optimize the size of an asset catalog by removing unused images or sets. 通过删除不用的图片或图片集优化一个asset catalog的大小. Do one of the following: 可以使用以下方法: Remove an image from its set by Control-clicking the image and choosing Remove Sel…
Specifying a Resizable Area of an Image Use the Xcode Slicing feature to specify the dimensions of a resizable center area of the image and to optionally specify end caps, which are areas of the image that should not be filled by the resizable area.…
Changing Image Set Names Use the Attributes inspector to edit a set’s name. 使用属性检查器(Attributes inspector)可以编辑一个图片集的名字.  In the set list, select a set. 在集合列表,选择一个图片集. Open the utilities area for the workspace window by clicking the Show Utilities butt…
About Asset Catalogs Use asset catalogs to simplify management of images that are used by your app as part of its user interface. 使用asset catalogs可以简化应用程序中需要使用图片的管理,把它们作为用户界面的一部分. An asset catalog can include: 一个asset catalog可以包括以下内容: Image sets: Use…
Creating an Asset Catalog Create an asset catalog to simplify management of your app’s images. 创建一个asset catalog来简化管理应用程序图片.  Choose File > New > File. 选择File > New > File. Under iOS or OS X, select Resource. 在iOS 或 OS X中选择 Resource. Select As…
Adding OS X Icons Simplify image management by storing your OS X icons in an asset catalog. 把OS X图标存进一个asset catalog里可以简化图片管理.  In the project navigator, select an asset catalog. 在项目导航区,选择一个asset catalog. Choose Editor > New OS X Icon. 选择Editor > Ne…
Migrating an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image Set Simplify image management by moving existing app icons and launch images into an asset catalog. When you store app icons and launch images in an asset catalog, Xcode automatically creates the required…