链接: https://vjudge.net/problem/HDU-3081 题意: Presumably, you all have known the question of stable marriage match. A girl will choose a boy; it is similar as the game of playing house we used to play when we are kids. What a happy time as so many frie…
http://poj.org/problem?id=3657 下方有中文版,不想看英文的可直接点这里看中文版题目 Description The cows, who always have an inferiority complex about their intelligence, have a new guessing game to sharpen their brains. A designated 'Hay Cow' hides behind the barn and creates…
公路修建问题 OI island是一个非常漂亮的岛屿,自开发以来,到这儿来旅游的人很多.然而,由于该岛屿刚刚开发不久,所以那里的交通情况还是很糟糕.所以,OIER Association组织成立了,旨在建立OI island的交通系统. OI island有n个旅游景点,不妨将它们从1到n标号.现在,OIER Association需要修公路将这些景点连接起来.一条公路连接两个景点.公路有,不妨称它们为一级公路和二级公路.一级公路上的车速快,但是修路的花费要大一些. OIER Associati…