本文转自:http://sqlindia.com/copy-move-files-folders-using-ole-automation-sql-server/ I love playing around with automation stuff. In a recent automation task, I was to copy or move files and/or folders from one location to another in SQL Server without…
--开启 Ole Automation Procedures sp_configure ; GO RECONFIGURE; GO sp_configure ; GO RECONFIGURE; GO EXEC sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures'; GO --关闭 Ole Automation Procedures sp_configure ; GO RECONFIGURE; GO sp_configure ; GO RECONFIGURE; GO EX…
--开启 Ole Automation Procedures sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; GO RECONFIGURE; GO sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1; GO RECONFIGURE; GO EXEC sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures'; GO --关闭 Ole Automation Procedures sp_configure '…
原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/carrot5032/article/details/74742888 发现在mongodb.log里出现 2017-07-07T17:01:55.339+0800 I CONTROL [main] Error connecting to the Service Control Manager: 拒绝访问. (5) 错误 而且在windows的服务下 没有找到Mongodb 原因 cmd没有用管理员权限 到C:\Windows\Syst…
Traceback (most recent call last): File "docker\api\client.py", line 214, in _retrieve_server_version File "docker\api\daemon.py", line 181, in version File "docker\utils\decorators.py", line 46, in inner File "docker\ap…
The Variant data type is the data type for all variables. can contain any kind of data except fixed-length String data. You can use the Variant data type in place of any data type to work with data in a more flexible way. If the contents of a Variant…
错误截图如下: Error while importing sbt project: List([info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\RYJ\.sbt\1.0\plugins [warn] insecure HTTP request is deprecated 'http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/public'; switch to HTTPS or opt-in as ("aliyun&q…
Microsoft Excel 不能访问文件"C:\Users\james\Documents\test.xls". 可能的原因有以下几个: • 文件名称或路径不存在. • 文件正被其他程序使用. • 您正要保存的工作簿与当前打开的工作簿同名. 用Quartz.Net写了个服务,实现将office文档转PDF功能.发布到Windows Server 2008 出现上述错误. google之: Windows 2008 Server x64 Please make this folder…
Microsoft Office Excel 不能访问文件"a.xls". 可能的原因有: ? 文件名称或路径不存在. ? 文件正被其他程序使用. ? 您正要保存的工作簿与当前打开的工作簿同名 This solution is ... ?Windows 2008 Server x64 Please make this folder. C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop ?Windows 2008 Server x8…
下面代码是Excel转换为PDF using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using ms = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; public class Excel2Pdf { public static void ToPdf(string excelName, string pdfName) { ms.Application app…