homepage faq contribute bugs questions Git for Windows v2.11.0 Release Notes Latest update: December 1st 2016 Introduction These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core…
本文介绍 Windows7 x64 基于 IntelliJ IDEA 搭建 Go 语言开发环境.主要是一些操作过程截图以及简单文字描述,如有不清楚的地方,欢迎指正.所有软件使用当前(2016.12.02)最新版本,旧版或新版可能存在细微差异. 一.网络代理软件 cntlm 从 这里 下载最新 0.92.3 版本 cntlm.cntlm 作用是方便在 Windows 下执行 go get .参照以下注意事项,并保留监听端口为默认的 3128,其它具体安装及配置参考<cntlm内网代理的代理>.…
git -m 和git -a -m(-am) . 的区别? usally two steps to commit files to respository: first, git add somefiles/dir; second, git commit -m 'commit log messages' but, the two steps above can be executed as one action: git -am commit somefiles/dir. that is to…
https://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/howto/Git_HowTo.html#zz-7. 1. Introduction GIT is a Version Control System (VCS) (aka Revision Control System (RCS), Source Code Manager (SCM)). A VCS serves as a Repository (or repo) of program codes,…
# Ubuntu终端下命令行颜色配置 ## Parses out the branch name from .git/HEAD: find_git_branch () { local dir=. head until [ "$dir" -ef / ]; do if [ -f "$dir/.git/HEAD" ]; then head=$(< "$dir/.git/HEAD") if [[ $head = ref:\ refs/heads/*…
git commit -m 使用问题 今天提交文件到github,步骤是: git add abc.py (abc.py是我当前随意写的一个文件名) git commit -m 'add codes for abc' git push origin 在第二步是,出现错误,错误如下: D:\tensorflow>git commit -m ' add codes for abc' error: pathspec 'add' did not match any file(s) known to gi…
1 about "origin/master tracks the remote branch" 1.1 what does tracking mean? after "git clone", local "master" branch atomatically tracks the remote "origin/master" branch. thus, "git pull master" will fe…
For getting the whole Android/CM rom source code, 1. get the repo first.2. make sure the git is installed. 1. how to get the repo:http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html#installing-repo$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-download…
o setup a folder on a server which service for remote Git repository, apply the following steps: Create a folder on a shared server. Apply the git command on that folder: git init –bare Add that folder as the remote repository. In visual studio, it’s…
开门见山 git bash 是 Windows 用户安装 git 时默认安装的命令行工具,不仅界面漂亮功能也不错,大多数情况下可以替代 Windows 原生的 cmd 命令行. 然而,git bash 命令行不是万金油,并不能完全替代 cmd ,详情请参考 mintty 官网的相关说明. mintty is not a full replacement for the Windows Console window git bash 命令行默认使用 mintty 作为终端模拟器,而 mintty…
Preface The document is about to introduce some specialties on PLM development and maintenance activities, we weren’t going to state everything about Git Usage. All content of the document written here describe only most helpful commands a…