This is an attempt to compile a list of relevant specifications for all modern smart phones and mobile internet devices. It is primarily for a quick reference sheet when trying to target a specific platform with CSS media queries. Apple: Model Operat…
自己经常用的一些爬虫用的user-agent头部 This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <useragentswitcher> <folder description="Browsers - Windows"> <folder description="Leg…
从中国的国情来看,Google 的诸多产品,包括 gmail,Android 官方市场 Google Play 正处于并将长期处于访问不了的状态.国内几亿网民也要生活,于是墙内出现了“百家争鸣”的场面,各家硬件厂商.三大运营商和游戏应用商城都推出了自己的Android市场,出现了豌豆荚,91助手,MIUI 应用商店.360手机助手.搜狗手机助手.酷安网等.Android市场鱼龙混杂,有很多优秀的阅读.影音.游戏.办公软件等,也有很多吸费.广告推送.泄露或上传用户隐私信息的 APK,让人又爱又恨.…