Problem G. Garden Gathering Input file: standard input Output file: standard output Time limit: 3 seconds Memory limit: 512 megabytes Many of you may have been to St. Petersburg, but have you visited Peterhof Palace? It is a collection of splendid pa…
Problem D. Delay Time Input file: standard input Output file: standard output Time limit: 1 second Memory limit: 512 megabytes Petr and Egor are measuring the gravitational acceleration g on their physics lessons using a special device. An electromag…
I. Illegal or Not? time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output The Schengen Agreement was signed by a number of countries to uniform many visa-related questions and to allow tourists fr…
K. King's Rout time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output The great rout will be held this evening in the palace of his majesty Nassah II, the king of Occorom. There are n guests invi…
H. Hashing time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output In this problem you are given a byte array a. What you are going to do is to hash its subsequences. Fortunately you don't have to…
C. Colder-Hotter time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output This is an interactive problem. Egor and Petr are playing a game called «Colder-Hotter» on a 2D plane. At the beginning of t…
A. Anagrams time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output Consider the positional numeral system with a given base b. A positive integer x is called b-anagram of a positive integer y if t…
Problem Description Elves are very peculiar creatures. As we all know, they can live for a very long time and their magical prowess are not something to be taken lightly. Also, they live on trees. However, there is something about them you may not kn…
队名:Unlimited Code Works(无尽编码)  队员:Wu.Wang.Zhou 先说一下队伍:Wu是大三学长:Wang高中noip省一:我最渣,去年来大学开始学的a+b,参加今年区域赛之前只学了大部分图论内容,以及一些数据结构.动态规划等内容,水平不及两个队友... ... 首先流水账式的记录一下比赛过程吧,最后再写这一年的感想.体会与将来的学习计划. 先从长春站说起... ... 长春站是我加入ACM以来参加的第一场ICPC,因此无比的激动!从杭州出发,乘了整整24小时的火车,终…
Moscow Subregional 2013. 比赛连接 总叙 一个铜牌队的题解 剩下的题,大概很久以后才会补了,太累了.... A 队友做的,我吃瓜群众不知道 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(a,b,c) for(int (a)=(b);(a)<=(c);++(a)) #define drep(a,b,c)…