try { } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbex) { string errMsg = string.Empty; foreach (var eve in dbex.EntityValidationErrors) { errMsg += string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation erro…
所属网站分类: python基础 > 异常处理 作者:浮沉 链接: 来源:python黑洞网,专注python资源,python教程,python技术! 我知道你能做到: try: # do something that may fail except: # do this if ANYTHING goes wrong 你也可以这样做: try: # do something that may fail e…
我怎么知道应该捕获什么样的异常? 马克-to-win:如上例1.1:开始没加try时,程序崩溃,系统打印的是如下的错误,Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at Test.main(,马克-to-win: 所以我们就该捕获ArithmeticException.见下例:1.1.3. 例:1.1.3- public class Test { public st…