Install the Maven in your computer】的更多相关文章

While, this blog will talk about installing the Maven in your computer. There are three steps as follow, and all operations are very simply. I realized to my sence that you can do it with this blog. good luck. Now, let's begin. Step one : Download th…
eclipse中的maven build.maven clean.maven install和maven test的区别…
      1.情景展示 选中maven项目,右键-->Run As或Debug As-->maven buid,maven install,maven test有什么区别? 2.区别说明 6 Maven  clean-->执行的是maven的原生命令: mvn clean 表示:删除target目录. 原目录结构存在target目录 执行该命令后, target目录被删除. 2018/11/14 选中target目录-->右键-->刷新-->在windows资源管理器…
mvn install 是将你打好的jar包安装到你的本地库中,一般没有设置过是在 用户目录下的 .m2\下面.mvn package 只是将你的代码打包到输出目录,一般的是 target下面.…
Download the Apache maven from this link, extract the download archive, can also use the command. cd ~/Downloads wget…
[解决方案一] 在Maven的pom.xml文件中增加如下代码: <properties> <argLine>-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8</argLine> </properties> [解决方案二] 在Maven的pom.xml文件中增加如下代码: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId&…
I often to generate a Java project or Web project with Eclipse tool. Well, I have no idea when I want to generate a Java project or Web project with the command window in the Windows 7. So, I think I need to record how to generate a Java project or W…
接着上面利用maven打好的jar包.把刚刚打好的包放入其他项目当中怎么办? 只需要在相同的目录下执行mvn install,maven会自动把jar放到本地仓库中. 这样,原先maven项目中缺少依赖的地方就不会报错了.…
To install Apache Maven on Windows, you just need to download the Maven’s zip file, and Unzip it to the directory you wish to install, and configure the Windows environment variables. Tools Used : JDK 1.7 Maven 3.2.2 Windows 8 NoteMaven 3.2 requires…
maven package:会将jar包打包到target下 maven install:将jar包装载到maven仓库,供其他项目使用 项目基于osgi开发的,打包有依赖关系,依赖关系主要是在pom.xml中配置,后面的组件依赖前面的组件, 需要将前面的组件install到maven仓库中,在打package后面的包,才能成功,不然找不到依赖关系…