Now, we will follow that introduction with an in-depth look at Android SDK fundamentals and cover resources , content providers, and intents. These three concepts are fundamental to understanding Android programming and should place you on a solid fo…
build / android 先看看Android官方的解释 Understand Build Layers The build hierarchy includes the abstraction layers that correspond to the physical makeup of a device. These layers are described in the table below. Each layer relates to the one above it in a…
论文作者: Enck, William Ongtang, MacHigar McDaniel, Patrick 下一代的开放操作系统不会在个人主机和大型主机上出现,而是在只能手机上.新环境的开放性将会催生许多新应用和市场,以及更大的集合环境.google的android系统是一个被寄予厚望的手机开放系统.这篇文章描述了Android的安全模型,并且试图揭下复杂的android安全机制的面纱.作者通过经验和可能增强android安全的途径,提出自己的设想.…