28.choose the best answer Evaluate the following SQL statement: SQL> SELECT promo_id, promo_category FROM promotions WHERE promo_category = 'Internet' ORDER BY 2 DESC UNION SELECT promo_id, promo_category FROM promotions WHERE promo_category = 'TV' U…
27.choose two The SQL statements executed in a user session are as follows: SQL> CREATE TABLE product (pcode NUMBER(2), pname VARCHAR2(10)); SQL> INSERT INTO product VALUES (1, 'pen'); SQL> INSERT INTO product VALUES (2,'pencil'); SQL> SAVEPOI…
26.choose two Examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table. Which two statements are true? A) EXPIRY_DATE always stores date and time in character format B) PRICE can store a maximum of eight digits and two decimals. C) PRODUCT_PIC can store only vide…
25. choose the best answer Evaluate the following SQL statement: ALTER TABLE hr.emp SET UNUSED (mgr_id); Which statement is true regarding the effect of the above SQL statement? A) Any views created on the EMP table that include the MGR_ID column wou…
36.choose the best answer View the Exhibits and examine the structures of the PRODUCTS, SALES, and CUSTOMERS tables. You issue the following query: SQL>SELECT p.prod_id,prod_name,prod_list_price, quantity_sold,cust_last_name FROM products p NATURAL J…
35.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SELECT first_name, employee_id, NEXT_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(hire_date,6),1) "Review" FROM employees; The query was writt…
34.choose two View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCT_INFORMATION and INVENTORIES tables. You have a requirement from the supplies department to give a list containing PRODUCT_ID, SUPPLIER_ID, and QUANTITY_ON_HAND for all the produc…
33.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDER_ITEMS table. Examine the following SQL statement: SELECT order_id, product_id, unit_price FROM order_items WHERE unit_price = (SELECT MAX(unit_price) FROM order items G…
32.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the data in EMP and DEPT tables. In the DEPT table, DEPTNO is the PRIMARY KEY. In the EMP table, EMPNO is the PRIMARY KEY and DEPTNO is the FOREIGN KEY referencing the DEPTNO column in the DEPT t…
31.choose the best answer Which statement is true regarding the USING clause in table joins? A) It can be used to access data from tables through equijoins as well as nonequijoins. B) It can be used to join tables that have columns with the same name…