
Your First CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) Cascading means it always takes selector that is at the end 即后面的可以覆盖前面的. 比如 在以下css文件中定义了两次 <p></p> 的颜色,最终它会呈现green. h2{ color: red; } p{ color: pink; } p{ color: green; } syntactic rule is very straightfo…
福利大分享 本文作者:苏生米沿 本文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/sushengmiyan/article/details/52592518 一晚上听了10几节课程,整体感觉很不错的,跟大家分享: 来,先看下免费的图图: 72节课.100%OFF. 首先是记忆深刻的一个图,让我们从不同于官网介绍的层面来了解下angular2. angular2就是有组件构成的,而组件可以分为三大部分: 1.模板templete这是定义html显示样式的地方,也是调用指令的地方. 2.class…
1. Welcome 主要讲四部分内容: non-personized systems popularity: 基于流行度或者最大利益化的推荐. 缺点也明显:你可能在特殊地方有些特殊需求, 或者你本来就是大多数人不一样 Association: 找出订单里一起下单的物品的相关性,一般有Aproiri, FP 等算法 collaborative filtering matrix factorization (and its variant like probablistic matrix fact…
1. install > npm install -g angular-cli 2. create app > ng new first-app 3. build app > cd first-app > ng serve…
Build Your First Website  装一个subline text HTML default rule tags with opening and closing <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Jennifer's first website</title> </head> <body> Hello world !!!! </body> </ht…
WWW vs Internet For the begining, Internet was there. it was for the academics among universities Then they need a way to share documents in the whole world Lee created WWW which is the common langauge that computers can speak You can think Internet…
Browsing the web Enter google.com, who is this google.com This question gets asked all the way down to our ISP(Internet Service Provider), like Verizon For users, you pay so you have internet. ISP get the request and send them to DNS(Domain Name Serv…
Bootstrap Introduction Bootstrap 相对于CSS, JS 就像PPT模板相对于PPT 说白了就是前人已经做好了(pre-build)很多模板,你可以直接拿来主义 Bootstarp 4  Two ways to use it 1. download you will see a bunch of files Bootstarp.min.css  means they are minified 2. CDN(Content Delivery Network) we c…
Section 7: Analyzing Log Data with the Elastic Stack…
Section 3: Searching with Elasticsearch query with json 分页返回 Sort full text 的内容不能用来sort, 比如movie的 title 如果既要做full-text search, 又要可以被sort, 如下方法可以使得有field title 有两份copy, 一份(text)做full-text search, 一份(keyword)可以被sort 达到上面的效果,要改变schema,所以需要重新mapping. Mor…