
We will learn how to change the address bar using a component from React Router. In Root.js: We need to add a param to change the Route: import React from 'react'; import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import {Router, Route, browserHistory } from 're…
html: <router-link to="test">Go to Foo</router-link> <router-link to="test1">Go to Foo1</router-link> <router-view></router-view>//切换的视图容器 js: var app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: {}, rout…
In this lesson we'll take our first look at the most common components available to us in react-router; Router, Route, and Link. import React from 'react'; import {hashHistory, Route, Router, Link} from 'react-router'; const Home = () => <div><…
React Router 用法 一.DEMO import React from "react"; import { HashRouter as Router, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom' const First = () => <div>第一个示例的第[1]个路由,第一个路由在第一个和第二个url里都会显示,但不在第三个显示</div> const Second = () => <div>…
参考 : https://angular.cn/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.html#!#can-activate-guard https://angular.cn/docs/ts/latest/api/    -@angular/router 部分 ng2 路由的概念和游览器类似, 和 ui-router 也类似, 下面会把具体功能逐一解释 1. html5 和 hash # ng2 默认模式是 html5, 在开发阶段我们喜欢使用 hash 模式, 这样可以不用部…
The Redirect component in react-router does exactly what it sounds like. It allows us to redirect from from one route to another. import React from 'react'; import {hashHistory, Route, Redirect, Router, Link} from 'react-router'; const Home = () => <…
Define query param in Link, accept path and query : const Links = () => <nav > <Link to={{path: '/', query: {message: 'Yo'}}}>Home</Link> </nav>; Use Query param by props.location.query: const Container = (props) => <div&g…
In this lesson we'll learn how to render multiple component children from a single route. Define a named component by "components": <Route path="/other" components={ {header: Other, body: OtherBody}}></Route> 'header' and '…
A router library is no good if we have to hardcode every single route in our application. In this lesson we look at how to access variables in our routes and pass them into our components. Define a route param by using ":message", () make it opt…
IndexRoute allows us to define a default child component to be rendered at a specific route when no other sub-route is available. When Home page display, we also make About component as default Route to dsiplay, only when use click Contact link, then…