题目链接 2019.9.2更新 第二天睡醒想了想发现好像搜一遍就可以过,赛时写的花里胡哨的还错了,太菜了QAQ #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; ; struct node { int s, e, next; }edge[maxn]; int head[maxn], len; void init() { memset(head, -, sizeof(head)); len = ; } void…
ACM-ICPC 2019南昌网络赛I题 Yukino With Subinterval 题目大意:给一个长度为n,值域为[1, n]的序列{a},要求支持m次操作: 单点修改 1 pos val 询问子区间中某个值域的数的个数,连续的相同数字只记为一个.(即统计数字段的个数) 2 L R x y 数据范围: 1 ≤ n,m ≤ 2×10^5 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n 解题思路: 连续重复的数字只记一次.所以考虑将每个数字段除第一个出现外的数字都删去(记为0).在读入操作的时候暴力模拟,同时维护…
2019ICPC南京网络赛A题 The beautiful values of the palace https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/41298 Here is a square matrix of n * nn∗n, each lattice has its value (nn must be odd), and the center value is n * nn∗n. Its spiral decline along the center of the squar…
Walk Through Squares Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 200 Accepted Submission(s): 57 Problem Description On the beaming day of 60th anniversary of NJUST, as a military colleg…
Divide Groups Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 423 Accepted Submission(s): 161 Problem Description This year is the 60th anniversary of NJUST, and to make the celebration mor…
Count The Pairs Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 277 Accepted Submission(s): 150 Problem Description With the 60th anniversary celebration of Nanjing University of Science…
南京网络赛自闭现场 https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/41298 二维偏序经典题型 二维前缀和!!! #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long #define sc(x) scanf("%lld",&x); int T; #define P pair<int,int> #define fi first #define se second #…