According to this stack overflow thread, PJ Naughter has implemented 9 methods to emunerate com port in Windows. That code was namedEnumSerialPorts.      As my using, I found some method would list non-existed com ports. for example: My computer com…
After you read previous article, you might know how to operate a com port in Windows.    But that example requires programmer (or user, if you modified that example being able to support inputting command line) to set a com port number, it is not con…
在整个Port的过程中遇到的问题总结例如以下 1.一定要使用最新版本号的cocos2dx,原因大家看一下changelog就知道了,近期的cocos2dx版本号都是在修windows phone上的bug,所以为了避免少出问题,还是直接升级到最新版本号吧 2.假设你使用的是cocos2dx + lua方式,眼下的project-creator并不支持lua版本号的windows phone平台,可是cpp版本号是支持的,因此我们能够在cpp版本号的基础上把libcocoslua以及liblua两…
1. 查找PID netstat -ano | findstr :yourPortNumber 2. kill进程 taskkill /PID typeyourPIDhere /F…
#include <windows.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #include <netfw.h> #include <objbase.h> #include <oleauto.h> #include <stdio.h> #pragma comment( lib, "ole32.lib" ) #pragma comment( lib, "oleaut32.lib" ) HRE…
In this tutorial we will learn How to communicate with an external device like a microcontroller board or modem using the Serial port of a windows PC(Windows XP,7). The software is written using C language and communicates with the Serial Port using …
Windows Phone 8 introduces the ability to use native code to implement Windows Phone. In this section, we explain how you can use C++ in your app, and provide some recommended scenarios. When to use native code in your app All Windows Phone 8 apps ca…
本人在虚拟机上CentOS的Linux环境下安装了mysql服务器,在本地Windows下安装了mysql的客户端mysqlworkbench ,所以就想让windows下的mysql客户端mysqlworkbench 链接虚拟机上CentOS的mysql服务器,整个过程记录如下: 一.安装客户端Mysql WorkBench 1.下载安装包:mysql-workbench-community-6.2.5-winx64.msi 下载路径:…
我的环境: windows: win10 professional edition jdk: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45 weblogic安装目录 (WEBLOGIC_HOME): C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3 weblogic域目录 (DOMAIN_HOME): C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain weblogic版本: weblogic 1…
Windows下安装MongoDB 1.下载MongoDB数据库 2.将安装文件解压到C盘(注意:安装路径中不能出现空格),配置“环境变量”,将 %MONGODB_HOME%in 添加到“Path”中: 3.进入DOS窗口,设置数据保存目录(与端口)和日志输出目录. DOS命令: mongod --dbpath=D:\develop\mongodb-2.4.3\data --…