简单介绍 这篇文章记录了在 IOS 中使用 Swift 操作 CoreData 的一些基础性内容,因为缺乏文档,基本上都是自行实验的结果.错漏不可避免,还请谅解. 部分内容借鉴了 Tim Roadley 的<Learning.Core.Data.for.iOS(2013.11)>, 这本书主要介绍 ObjC的 CoreData . 创建一个新 XCode 项目 创建一个新的 XCode 项目. 创建一个 Empty Application 填写项目相关信息,如设置项目名称为: SwiftCor…
gRPC is an universal remote procedure call framework developed by Google that has been gaining interests among many software developers that were developing microservices in recent years because its open source, language neutral, compact binary size,…
本文转自:http://www.mytecbits.com/microsoft/dot-net/bootstrap-3-0-0-with-asp-net-web-forms In my earlier article, I wrote about the step by step instructions on creating ASP.NET web forms application with Bootstrap UI Framework, using Twitter Bootstrap f…
Step by step Process of creating APD: Business Scenario: Here we are going to create an APD on top of a Query and then storing the result into a Direct Update DSO. Here I am taking a simple example for our understanding. Step: 1        Go to RSA1 ->…
Tomcat Clustering - A Step By Step Guide Apache Tomcat is a great performer on its own, but if you're expecting more traffic as your site expands, or are thinking about the best way to provide high availability, you'll be happy to know that Tomcat al…
http://www.behardware.com/art/lire/845/ --> Understanding 3D rendering step by step with 3DMark11 - BeHardware>> Graphics cards Written by Damien Triolet Published on November 28, 2011 URL: http://www.behardware.com/art/lire/845/ Page 1 Introduct…
  Code understanding is a task we are always doing, though we are not even aware that we're doing it. It's an obvious need when a colleague is leaving and another gets his code. However, we have to learn code in lots of cases, i.e. when: we continue…
PyTorch in Action: A Step by Step Tutorial   PyTorch in Action: A Step by Step Tutorial Installation Guide Step 1, donwload the Miniconda and installing it on your computer. The reason why explain installing conda is that some of classmates don`t hav…
Convolutional Neural Networks: Step by Step Welcome to Course 4's first assignment! In this assignment, you will implement convolutional (CONV) and pooling (POOL) layers in numpy, including both forward propagation and (optionally) backward propagati…
Andrew Ng deeplearning courese-4:Convolutional Neural Network Convolutional Neural Networks: Step by Step Convolutional Neural Networks: Application Residual Networks Autonomous driving - Car detection YOLO Face Recognition for the Happy House Art: N…