[Definitions] Here is the recursive definition of a binary tree: A binary tree is either the empty set or a triple T = (x,L,R), where x is a node and L and R are disjoint binary trees, neither of which contains. The node x is called the root of the …
题意:给定一个n*n的地图,上面有k个障碍点不能走,有一个机器人从(0,0)出发,每次等概率的不动或者往上下左右没有障碍的地方走动,问走无限步后停在图的右下部的概率 n<=1e4,k<=1e3 思路:据说是找规律 From https://blog.csdn.net/anna__1997/article/details/78494788 牛逼的证明 马尔科夫链的随机游走模型 可建立状态转移矩阵,对n * n 的图中n * n 个点编号为0 ~[ (n - 1) * n + n – 1]…