连接reids获取数据时提示 Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands t 网上搜索资料http://www.cnblogs.com/qq78292959/p/3994349.html提示 在在/etc/sysctl.conf 添加一项 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' 重启 or 运行命令'sysctl vm.overco…
今天运行Redis时发生错误,错误信息如下: (error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error. Redis被配置为保存数据库快照,…
Win a lottery? Had a great hand at the casino? Did fortune shine upon you in the stock market? 彩票中了大奖?在赌场大杀四方?股市赚得盆满钵满? After almost an entire year of celibacy from shopping and vacationing, you find the numbers reflected by your bank account meet …
整合spring spring data jpa的时候,在save方法上加了@Transactional注解.此时调用springdatajpa save方法并不会真的把数据提交给数据库,而是缓存起来.提交事务后数据插入进数据库,要想在事务提交之前避免缓存插入数据库需要在执行完save操作调用flush方法或者直接执行saveAndFlush方法即可…
Save save()方法能够保存实体到数据库,正如方法名称save这个单词所表明的意思.我们能够在事务之外调用这个方法,这也是我不喜欢使用这个方法保存数据的原因.假如两个实体之间有关系(例如employee表和address表有一对一关系),如果在没有事务的情况下调用这个方法保存employee这个实体,除非调用flush()这个方法,否则仅仅employee实体会被保存. saveOrUpdate saveOrUpdate()方法会执行插入或者更新操作.如果该对象在数据库中已经存在则更新,不…
Save save()方法能够保存实体到数据库,正如方法名称save这个单词所表明的意思.我们能够在事务之外调用这个方法,这也是我不喜欢使用这个方法保存数据的原因.假如两个实体之间有关系(例如employee表和address表有一对一关系),如果在没有事务的情况下调用这个方法保存employee这个实体,除非调用flush()这个方法,否则仅仅employee实体会被保存. saveOrUpdate saveOrUpdate()方法会执行插入或者更新操作.如果该对象在数据库中已经存在则更新,不…
http://www.howtogeek.com/177790/why-you-cant-use-cpu-clock-speed-to-compare-computer-performance/ Why You Can't Use CPU Clock Speed to Compare Computer Performance Shopping for a new computer? Don't pay too much attention to CPU clock speed. "CPU spe…
By save as template informaton of the page get lost, e.g. permissions. To avoid this, use powershell command: Use this command to backup a site collection Backup-SPSite -Identity "http(s)://your-site-collection-url" -Path "C:\backups\your-s…
I installed CentOS 7 with minimal configuration (os + dev tools). I am trying to open 80 port for httpd service, but something wrong with my iptables service ... what's wrong with it? What am I doing wrong? # ifconfig/sbin/service iptables save bash:…
运行redis过程中,突然报错如下: (error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error.…