原文:https://github.com/android/platform_system_core/blob/master/adb/OVERVIEW.TXT) Implementation notes regarding ADB. ADB实现注解 1. General Overview: 1概要 The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is used to: ADB在以下情况下使用: keep track of all Android devices and emulat…
原文:https://github.com/android/platform_system_core/blob/master/adb/OVERVIEW.TXT) Implementation notes regarding ADB. ADB实现注解 1. General Overview: 1概要 The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is used to: ADB在下面情况下使用: keep track of all Android devices and emulat…
在之前的文章中有转帖网上同行制作的ADB协议表格<<adb概览及协议参考>>,但不够详尽,所以这里自己另外基于Android 4.4.2的技术文档重新做一次翻译. HOST SERVICES: 主机服务: host:version Ask the ADB server for its internal version number. As a special exception, the server will respond with a 4-byte hex string co…