在预制凭证过账的时候报错:没有屏幕SAPMF05A 0700 的批输入数据 https://answers.sap.com/questions/7203025/fbv0-no-batch-input-data-for-screen-sapmf05a-0700.html The tax was entered manually in the subledger account item in the parked document. The 'Document currency' checkbox…
公司今年计划大批扩建门店,需要自动化维护相关主数据,其中就有一步通过调用 WB01的BDC录屏来自动创建地点,前台跑没有问题,但后台JOB死活不行,屏幕是以前同事录好的,只能硬着头皮修改. 后台任务日志:  抛RAISE_EXCEPTION异常. 用ST22进去跟踪出错的代码: 出错的地方: 结合前台调式,发现了出错屏幕: 即SAPLPLANT_DISPLAY_CUSTOMIZING的1000屏幕出问题,经查证原因是屏幕上的ALV是OO方式写的 解决办法:后台时跳过该屏幕,但处理逻辑不能省.由于…
1 I've found some libraries which decode input from transaction, but all of them require ABI of contract. Can I decode input data if I know only txHash, contract address and input data? How etherscan does it? Here is an example:https://etherscan.io/t…
Sqoop Export数据到本地数据库时出现错误,命令如下: sqoop export \ --connect 'jdbc:mysql://' \ --username root \ --password-file /user/hadoop/.password \ --table user_info_copy \ --export-dir /user/hadoop/use…
Mapping abstract values to visual representations is what data visualization is all about, and that’s exactly what D3 scales do. Turning a test score into a column height, or a percentage into an opacity requires translating from one set of possible…
--example 1: DECLARE @pid INT,@name NVARCHAR(50),@level INT,@i INT,@column2 INT SET @pid=0 SET @name ='first' SET @level =5 SET @column2=0 SET @i=0 WHILE @i<30 --30为你要执行插入的次数 BEGIN INSERT INTO table_name ( pid, name,level, column2) VALUES ( @pid, @na…
Language C C++ Pascal To read numbers int n;while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF){ ...} int n;while (cin >> n){ ...} var n: integer;...while not seekeof dobegin read(n); ...end; To read characters int c;while ((c = getchar()) != EOF){ ...} cha…
虽然lvgl官方提供了有关linux framebuffer操作的库函数,但是我决定自己试一下能否自己实现这部分操作 实际项目中应优先采用官方库函数,官方实现代码位于文件夹lv_drivers/display下fbdev.c. 这篇文章则记录这整个过程. 文章中若有言论及操作不妥之处,还望各位不吝赐教,批评指正. 项目地址:https://gitee.com/JensenHua/lvgl_fbdev_evdev 最终效果 [video(video-l4Rijug5-1616507869486)(…
转自:https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/74903/explain-ev-in-proc-bus-input-devices-data It represent the bitmask for events supported by the device. Sample of devices entry for a AT Keyboard: I: Bus= Vendor= Product= Version=ab41 N: Name="AT Tran…
Data transfer from GPIO port to RAM buffer using DMA upon receiving a trigger signal on the timer capture input channel. Our requirement is to configure the DMA so that it transfers data from the GPIO lines (8 bit data lines) to the RAM buffer upon r…