引用:https://www.learning-theories.com/blooms-taxonomy-bloom.html Bloom's Taxonomy is a model that is a hierarchy - a way to classify thinking according to six cognitive levels of complexity. CONTRIBUTORS Benjamin S. Bloom (1913-1999) KEY CONCEPTS Bloo…
近几年来,STEM 教育概念传入中国,并且越来越多地成为家长及教育机构关注的焦点. STEM教育概念同时成为了各大小教育机构及公司宣传造势的赚钱工具,可家长.学生.老师们真的理解究竟何为 STEM/STEAM 教育吗?新一代科学教育标准到底是什么?为什么开展 STEM 教育? 目前国内的所谓STEM教育还是处于概念性状态,为了让大家从本质上理解 STEM 的概念,可带着这些疑问往下看,嘉糖君给大家做个详细的科普. “[Science] is more than a school subject,…
When confronted with a problem , we think about it. The issue, of course, is that our efforts may be fruitful or they may not, depending on the effectiveness of the thinking done. Good thinking is focused thinking: we need to find the right focus for…
创建taxonomy field之前我们首先来学习一下如果创建termSet,原因是我们所创建的taxonomy field需要关联到termSet. 简单介绍一下Taxonomy Term Store的层次结构: TermStore Group TermSet Term //Term可以继续创建Term 1.首先,我们需要new TaxonomySession对象,然后获取到TermStore TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(Site…