C lang:Pointer operation】的更多相关文章

Xx_Pointer opteration Do not dereference initialized Pointers Ax_Code #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { int urn[5] = { 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 }; int * ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3; int a =2; ptr1 = urn; // equal to &urn[0] ptr2 = &urn[2]; printf(&qu…
今天用Delphi编写了个dll,用到了TStringList来传递多参数,如下: [delphi] view plaincopy 01.function DBM_SetParam(procName: string; paramValues: TStringList = nil): Boolean;stdcall; 02.var 03.  i: integer; 04.begin 05.  try 06.    if (paramValues<>nil) then 07.    begin 0…
Xx_Introduction Double indrection:Address of Address;Pointer of Pointer Ax_Code #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { int zippo[4][2] = { 2,4, 6,8, 1,3, 5,7 }; printf(" zippo = %p, zippo + 1 = %p\n", zippo, zippo + 1); printf(" zippo[0]…
Xx_Introduction Point and Array germane. Xx_Code #include<stdio.h> #define SIZE 4 int main(void) { short arra[SIZE]; short * a; double arrb[SIZE]; int i; double * b; a = arra; b = arrb; for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) printf("%d %p %p \n",i…
Ax_Terminology xa_pointer pointer is the address used to store the variable;A variable (or data object) whose value is a memory address Bx_Operator xa_indirection operator(*) xb_address operator(&) Cx_Program xa_not use pointer #include <stdio.h>…
转载自:http://www.cnblogs.com/qiusl/p/4028437.html?utm_source=tuicool 我估摸着内存分配+释放是个基础的函数,有些人可能没注意此类函数或细究,但我觉得还是弄明白好. 介绍下面内存函数之前,先说一下MM的一些过程,如不关心可以忽略: TMemoryManger = record GetMem: function(Size: Integer): Pointer; FreeMem: function(P: Pointer): Integer…
我估摸着内存分配+释放是个基础函数,有些人可能没注意此类函数或细究,但我觉得还是弄明白的好. 介绍下面内存函数前,先说一下MM的一些过程,如不关心可忽略: TMemoryManager = record GetMem: function(Size: Integer): Pointer; FreeMem: function(P: Pointer): Integer; ReallocMem: function(P: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer; end; var…
======= 7    Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK] 执行  adb install -r test.apk.时出现错误  Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK] 可能是apk的签名出现问题,这个在之前遇到过,需要给apk签名 今天安装多个apk都是出现这个错误,遂关闭系统对签名的检测 方法:修改 /system/build.prop 文件. 将ro.install.3rd_cert=true 修改为ro.insta…
free pascal 错误代码表 为了方便对照检查运行时错误代码,这里把所有的错误代码的含义整理出来.(最大序号为232,中间不一定连续.user.pdf P175) Run-time errors Applications generated by Free Pascal might generate run-time errors when certain abnormal conditions are detected in the application. This appendix…
转载 http://blog.csdn.net/dreamcs/article/details/7702701 创建VBO        GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object 扩展可以提升OpenGL的性能.它提供了顶点数组和显示列表,这避免了低效实现这些功能.Vertex buffer object (VBO) 允许顶点数据储存在高性能显卡上,即服务端的内存中,改善数据传输效率.如果缓冲区对象保存了像素数据,它就被称做Pixel Buffer Object (PBO). 使用…