V18.100 Piwis Tester II Diagnostic Tool For Porsche With CF30 Laptop High Quality Top 7 Reasons to Get Porsche Piwis Tester II 1. Software Version: V18.100 (Return back the hdd for update,or can update directly, update cost is different according to…
Porsche Piwis Tester II is the latest inspect equipment of Porsche Company. This is the latest professional tester for Porshe, it is the Next Generation of PIWIS Tester KTS520. Porsche Piwis Tester II can help you diagnose and program the most new an…
Some of my customers let me recommended which auto diagnostic tool is good for Porsche , I recommend Porsche Piwis Tester ii for all of you who also have any request. By the way  , we have a big promotion for it on this month , you can buy it with la…
Porsche piwis tester ii is the latest professional tester for Porshe,the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for Porsche,with latest tester for Porsche,powerful functions,full access Porsche Piwis Tester II Functions: 1. Read/clear err…
Porsche Piwis Tester II is the latest professional tester for Porshe,the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for Porsche,with latest tester for Porsche,powerful functions,full access . Piwis Tester II with CF30 Laptop (Second Hand Lapt…
Hi,Joy, I am sorry that my Porsche Piwis Tester II from your shop said “No VCI has been detected” when I was trying to read car ECU. I bought the tool last month and it was the first time that I used it. I tested the USB cable and it worked ok. Is th…
Piwis Tester II v12.100 Version released today! In this new version we can find the latest type Porsche car which is able to be diagnostic till 2014 year. This is 2013.4 version software. How to upgrade the Piwis tester II from old version: If you pu…
Porsche piwis tester 2 Help Devices: SERP automatio tranny, air-conditioner, SRS, ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, ASR, MPL, GM, Authentic antitheft Program, KEYLESS MOVE program, OBDII program. Porsche Piwis Tester II Options: a single. Read/clear fault program c…
Porsche Piwis online programming account service is piwis porsche subscription and piwis tester 2 online coding service offer via teamviewer. Porsche piwis coding account need to work with autonumen.com Porsche PIWIS tester 2 diagnostic tool. Porsche…
Allscanner VXDIAG Porsche Piwis III with Lenovo T440P Laptop  Porsche Piwis tester III V37.250.020 NOTE: 1.Allscanner VXDIAG Porsche Piwis III has the same functions with Porsche Piwis 2.If you want to do online programming,you must have an account o…
Porsche Piwis tester 3 PT3G VCI with V37.250.020 Piwis 3 Software unlimited license installed on Full new Panasonic CF-54 laptop ready to use new release for Piwis III diagnostics and with Porsche PPN subscription for Porsche Online  programming. Wha…
Category : Car Diagnostic Tools What’s the difference between Porsche Tester Piwis III original and clone: The genuine and copy differ in hardware only. They share the same functions and features. look here: original piwis tester 3: clone piwis 3: ht…
转自:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/library/rft-api/index.html The Rational GUI automation tool has a wonderful recorder feature that records a user's activities and automatically generates code that simulates these activities. You can then im…
The preload value of the <link> element's rel attribute allows you to write declarative fetch requests in your HTML <head>, specifying resources that your pages will need very soon after loading, which you therefore want to start preloading ea…
一) sort函数用法 sort LISTsort BLOCK LISTsort SUBNAME LIST sort的用法有如上3种形式.它对LIST进行排序,并返回排序后的列表.假如忽略了SUBNAME或BLOCK,sort按标准字串比较顺序来进行(例如ASCII顺序).如果指定了SUBNAME,它实际上是个子函数的名字,该子函数对比2个列表元素,并返回一个小于,等于,或大于0的整数,这依赖于元素以何种顺序来sort(升序,恒等,或降序).也可提供一个BLOCK作为匿名子函数来代替SUBNAM…
发现个USB ID站点,对于做设备管理识别的小伙伴特别实用 http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids 附录: # # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy <linux.usb.ids@gmail.com> # If you have any new entries, please submit them via # http://www.linux-usb.org/usb-ids.html # or s…
最近学习了TensorFlow,发现一个模型叫vgg16,然后搭建环境跑了一下,觉得十分神奇,而且准确率十分的高.又上了一节选修课,关于人工智能,老师让做一个关于人工智能的试验,于是觉得vgg16很不错,可以直接用. 但发现vgg16是训练好的模型,拿来直接用太没水平,于是网上发现说可以用vgg16进行迁移学习. 我理解的迁移学习: 迁移学习符合人们学习的过程,如果要学习一样新东西,我们肯定会运用或是借鉴之前的学习经验,这样能够快速的把握要点,能够快速的学习.迁移学习也是如此. vgg16模型是…
6.7 Drag and dropSupport: dragndropChrome for Android NoneChrome 4+iOS Safari 11.0+UC Browser for Android NoneFirefox 3.5+Samsung Internet NoneIE (limited) 5.5+Safari 3.1+Edge 18+Opera Mini NoneOpera 12+Android Browser None Source: caniuse.com This s…
这里总结针对一个并不一定所有点都连通的general directed graph, 去判断graph里面是否有loop存在, 收到启发是因为做了[LeetCode] 207 Course Schedule_Medium tag: BFS, DFS, 这个题实际上就是监测directed graph里面是否有loop存在. 我在网上看了比较经典的做法为DFS, 并且用三个set去标志not visited点,(0), 正在visiting的点(-1), 已经visited过的点(1), 我结合这…
一. Binary Search int binarySearch(vector<int> &array, int target) { , hi = array.size() - ; while (lo <= hi) { ; if (array[mid] > target) hi = mid - ; else if (array[mid] < target) lo = mid + ; else return mid; } ; } 注意是 while(lo<=hi…
一. 1. Edit Distance class Solution { public: int minDistance(string t1,string t2) { int len1=t1.size(),len2=t2.size(); vector<vector<,vector<,)); ;i<=len1;i++) dp[i][]=i; ;i<=len2;i++) dp[][i]=i; ;i<=len1;i++) { ;j<=len2;j++) { dp[i][…
248-统计比给定整数小的数的个数 给定一个整数数组 (下标由 0 到 n-1,其中 n 表示数组的规模,数值范围由 0 到 10000),以及一个 查询列表.对于每一个查询,将会给你一个整数,请你返回该数组中小于给定整数的元素的数量. 注意事项 在做此题前,最好先完成 线段树的构造 and 线段树查询 II 这两道题目. 样例 对于数组 [1,2,7,8,5] ,查询 [1,8,5],返回 [0,4,2] 挑战 否用一下三种方法完成以上题目. 仅用循环方法 分类搜索 和 二进制搜索 构建 线段…
20161013最新提示:既然来到这了,为什么不看看 JavaBeans 官方文档学习 ? 鉴于Spring的beans包遵守JavaBean specs,有必要认真研究下JavaBean specs. 先看看wiki上是怎么说的: 定义 Java平台下,JavaBeans是那些将很多object包含进一个单独object的类,这个单独的object就是bean.JavaBeans的特点:serializable.无参构造.setter/getter properties. 优点: bean的p…
solve 4/11 A Erase Numbers II Code:KK Thinking :KK 用ans表示当前最优答案,maxx表示遍历到的最大数字,一开始ans肯定等于a[ 1 ]+a[ 2 ],然后每次往后找,都把当前的a [ j ]拼到maxx后面,然后和答案比较,每次也更新maxx,时间复杂度o(n) 注意数据是1e19,会爆long long,用unsigned long long 就可以过. #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm>…
Problem Description n个有标号的球围成一个圈.每个球有两种颜色可以选择黑或白染色.问有多少种方案使得没有出现连续白球7个或连续黑球7个.  Input 第一行有多组数据.第一行T表示组数.(T <= 20) 每组包含n,表示球的个数.(1 <= n <= 100000)  Output 每组先输出 "Case #x: " (其中x为当前组数) 该行接下来输出方案数.方案数mod 2015.  Sample Input 271  Sample Out…
对于错误error (209053): unexpected error in jtag server -- error code 89,它产生的原因在于,在linux系统下,Quartus ii的驱动USB-Blaster只能有root用户使用,而普通用户是无权使用的.解决思路是更改USB-Blaster的使用权限,使得普通用户也能使用.对此altera也有给出相应的解决方案,详细见USB-Blaster Driver for Linux. 为使大家更易在linux下操作,现将具体的步骤介绍如…
原文:http://debuggable.com/posts/learning-from-the-cakephp-source-code-part-ii:480f4dd6-57fc-4715-8709-439acbdd56cb 这段评论有意思: 非常正确,确实应该从代码入手! Hey Felix! As you wrote in Part I most of Cake's core code is "delightful and should help you to become a bette…
描述:注意需要先self.connect(right)再self.connect(left),否则会有case通不过,原因是左边递归执行时依赖与右边的next已经建立,而先执行connect(left)的话右边还没有完成关系的建立. 代码: class Solution: # @param root, a tree node # @return nothing def doSth(self, nextNode, conNode): while nextNode is not None: if n…
此题如果 #1 和 #4 判断分支交换,大集合就会超时(因为每次对于非叶子节点都要判断是不是叶子节点).可见,有时候if else判断语句也会对于运行时间有较大的影响. import java.util.ArrayList; class TreeNode { int val; TreeNode left; TreeNode right; TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } } public class Solution { private int currSum = 0;…
题目: Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the difference between i and j is at most k. 翻译: 给定一个整数数组和一个整数k.找出是否存在下标i,j使得nums[i] = nums[j].同一时候i…