Week6 The Internet is desinged based on four-layer model. Each layer builds on the layers below it. The Link and Internetwork layers are the lowest layers of that model. Technology: Transport Control Protocol(TCP) coursera address Transport/Reliabili…
Coursera课程<Using Python to Access Web Data> 密歇根大学 Week6 JSON and the REST Architecture 13.5 JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) JSON是一种相比于XML更简单的格式,而且现在在互联网上非常普遍.XML是很强大,但是很多时候我们并不需要使用这么强大的格式,我们就能完成我们的任务. import json data = '''{ "name": "…
Coursera课程<Python Data Structures> 密歇根大学 Charles Severance Week6 Tuple 10 Tuples 10.1 Tuples Are Like Lists 元组是另外一种序列,它的方法和list挺像的.它的元素也是从0开始计数. >>> x = ('Glenn', 'Sally', 'Joseph') >>> print(x[2]) Joseph >>> y = (1, 9, 2)…
Week6 Technology: Transport Control Protocol(TCP) Welcome to Week 6 of IHTS. We are in our second week of the more technical bits of the course. I try to keep the technical bits interesting and not go into too much detail.This week, we’ll be covering…
Week6 - 676.Implement Magic Dictionary Implement a magic directory with buildDict, and search methods. For the method buildDict, you'll be given a list of non-repetitive words to build a dictionary. For the method search, you'll be given a word, and…